Previous Year Question Paper with Solution.
1. The unit vector perpendicular to the surface x2 + y2 + z2 = 3 at the point (1, 1, 1) is
Ans. (d)
Sol. Unit vector perpendicular to the surface.
2. Which one of the following quantities is invariant under Lorentz transformation?
(a) Charge density
(b) Charge
(c) Current
(d) Electric field
Ans. (b)
Sol. Change in conserved for isolated system so it is relativistically invariant.
3. The number of normal Zeeman splitting components of transition is
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 8
(d) 9
Ans. (a)
Sol. 1D and 1P is singlet state, because multiplicity 2s + 1 = 1 s = 0
Therefore, total angular momentum J = L + S is equal to the total angular momentum L.
Each energy level splits 2L + 1 levels as shown in figure below.
Selection rule: = 0, + 1
Energy of each level is equal . Because of the uniform splitting of the levels. There are only three different transition energies
corresponding to
= + 1, 0, –1 respectively.
The energy separation between two neighboring levels in P and D state are equal.
Thus, these will be only 3 normal Zeeman splitting components of 1P 1D transition.
4. If the half-life of an elementary particle moving with speed 0.9c in the laboratory frame is 5×10–8s, then the proper half-life is _____×10–8 s. (c = 3×108 m/s)
Ans. 2.18
5. An unpolarized light wave is incident from air on a glass surface at the Brewster angle. The angle between the reflected and the refracted wave is
(a) 0º
(b) 45º
(c) 90º
(d) 120º
Ans. (c)
Sol. When light is incident at Brewster angle, then the reflected light and the refracted light make 90° angle with each other.
6. Two masses m and 3m are attached to the two ends of a massless spring with force constant K. If m = 100g and K = 0.3 N/m, then the natural angular frequency of oscillation is _______ Hz.
Ans. 0.32
7. The electric field of a uniform plane wave propagating in a dielectric, non-conducting medium is given by,
The phase velocity of the wave is _________×108 m/s.
Ans. 1.5
8. The matrix is
(a) orthogonal
(b) symmetric
(c) anti-symmetric
(d) unitary
Ans. (d)
So, A is an unitary matrix
9. The recoil momemtum of an atom is pA when it emits an infrared photon of wavelength 1500 nm, and it is pB when it emits a photon of visible wavelength 500 nm. The ratio is .
(a) 1 : 1
(c) 1 : 3
(d) 3 : 2
Ans. (c)
10. For a gas under isothermal conditions, its pressure P varies with volume V as . The bulk modulus B is proportional to
(a) V–1/2
(b) V–2/3
(c) V–3/5
(d) V–5/3
Ans. (d)
Where C is a constant of proportionality.
Bulk modulus is defined as
11. Which one of the following high energy processes is allowed by conservation laws?
Ans. (b)
Therefore, it is not allowed reaction Baryon number is not conserved.
Therefore, it is an allowed reaction.
Therefore, is it not allowed reaction because electronic lepton number is not conserved
It is not allowed reaction because, charge electronic and moronic lepton numbers are not conserved.
12. The length element ds of an arc is given by, . The metric tensor gif is
Ans. (b)
13. The ground state and the first excited state wave functions of a one dimensional infinite potential well are and
, respectively. When two spin-up electrons are placed in this potential, which one of the following, with x1 and x2 denoting the position of the two electrons, correctly represents the space part of the ground state wave function of the system?
Ans. (d)
Sol. Two spin up fermion cannot occupy the same quantum state the spin wave function is symmetric. So, the space part wave function must be anti-symmetric, since the total wave function of a fermion is anti-symmetric.
14. If the vector potential
satisfies the Coulomb gauge, the value of the constant is _________________
Ans. 1
Sol. The Coulomb gauge condition is
15. At a given temperature, T, the average energy per particle of a non-interacting gas of two-dimensional classical harmoic oscillator is _____________kBT.
Ans. 2
Sol. The Hamiltonian of a classical oscillator is given by
Since we have four quadratic terms in the Hamiltonian and according to the law of equipartition of energy each would contribute to the average energy.
So average energy per particle
16. Which one of the following is a fermion?
(a) particle
(b) 4Be7 nucleus
(c) hydrogen atom
(d) deuteron
Ans. (b)
Sol. Fermions have integral spin. Proton electron, neutron are fermions and have 1/2-spin.
17. Which one of the following three-quark states (qqqq), denoted by X, cannot be a possible baryon? The corresponding electric charge is indicated in the superscript
(a) X++
(b) X+
(c) X–
(d) X– –
Ans. (d)
Sol. Baryons have charge +2, +1, –1 but donot have –2 charge state.
Therefore, X— does not represent a Baryon.
18. The Hamilton's canonical equations of motion in terms of Poisson Brackets are
Ans. (a)
Sol. According to Poisson's equation
19. The Miller indices of a plane passing through the three points having coordinates (0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 0), are
(a) (2 1 2)
(b) (1 1 1)
(c) (1 2 1)
(d) (2 1 1)
Ans. (a)
Sol. Let the plane is , where OA, OB and OC are intercepts on x, y and z-axis respectively.
20. The plot of specific heat versus temperature across the superconducting transition temperature (TC) is most appropriately represented by
Ans. (a)
Sol. The specific heat . C = Cel. + Clattice
Since, (Cel.)superconductor, where a is a constant and
is energy gap.
i.e., the specific heat of a superconductor is discontinuous at transition temperature.
Therefore, the electronic specific of a metal in the superconducting state varies with temperature in an exponential manner.
21. If is the orbital angular momentum and
is the spin angular momentum, then
does not commute with
(a) Sz
(b) L2
(c) S2
Ans. (d)
Sol. Here is spatial operators and
in spin operator,
So, L2 will commute with and S2 will commute with
And also = L2 + 2
will commute with
Since, Sz does not commute with Sx and Sy. So, Sz will not commute with .
22. The energy, for band electrons as a function of the wave vector, k in the first Brillouin zone
of a one dimensional monatomic lattice is shown as (a is latticec constant)
Ans. (b)
Sol. The velocity v can given by
This shows that, for a free electron, v is proportional to k. However, in the band theory, Ek is generally not proportional to k. The variation of E with k based on the band theory is shown in figure. (below).
This graph shows the slope dE/dk of the E(k) curve is not constant but changes with k. Using the curve and employing equation (ii), one can obtain v versus k as shown in figure (below).
This curve indicates that the velocity of the electron is zero for k = 2 and , where the slope dE/dk is zero. i.e., at the top and bottom of the energy band (first Brillion zone). For k = k0, where k0 corresponds to the inflection point of E(k) curve, the absolute the value of the velocity attains a maximum value equal to free electron velocity. Beyond this point, the velocity decreases with increases in energy.
23. For a free electron gas in two dimensions, the variation of the density of states, N(E) as a function of energy E, is the best represented by
Ans. (c)
Sol. Since the density of states, N(E) is independent of energy (E) for a free electron gas in two dimensions.
Therefore, N(E) versus E graph can be represented as
24. The input given to be an ideal OP-AMP integrator circuit is
The correct output of the integrator circuit is
Ans. (a)
25. The minimum number of flip-flops required to construct a mod-75 counter is _________
Ans. 7
Sol. Given Modulus = 75
M < 2n n is number of flip-plops
75 < 2n for n = 6 Hence (n = 6 not possible)
n = 7
26. A bead of mass 'm' can slide without friction along a massless rod kept at 45º with the vertical as shown in the figure. The rod is rotating about the vertical axis with a constant angular speed . At any instant, r is the distance of the bead from the origin. The momentum conjugate to 'r' is
Ans. (a)
27. An electron in the ground state of the hydrogen atom has the wave function
where a0 is constant. The expectation value of the operator , where
(Hint: )
Ans. (d)
28. For Nickel, the number density is 8×1023 atoms/cm3 and electronic configuration is 1s22s22p63s23p63d84s2. The value of the saturation magnetization of Nickel in its ferromagnetic states is ________ × 109 A/m.
(Given the value of Bohr magneton µB = 9.21 × 10–21 Am2)
Ans. 4.4
Sol. For Nickel, number density, n = 8 × 1023 atom/cm3
And its electronic configuration = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d8 4s2
µB= 9.21 × 10–21 Am–2
n = 8 × 1029/m3
Magnetic moment of Ni = 0.6B (can be calculated using concept of atomc physics)
Saturn magenetization = Nµ = 8 × 1029 × 0.6 × 9.2 × 10–21
Correct option is (4.4)
29. A particle of mass 'm' is in a potential given by
where 'a' and 'r0' are positive constants. When disturbed slightly from its stable equilibrium position, it undergoes a simple harmonic oscillation. The time period of oscillation is
Ans. (a)
Time period of oscillation is given as
At equilibrium position (r = r`)
Putting r` = r0
30. The donor concentration in a sample of n-type silicon is increased by a factor of 100. The shift in the position of the Fermi level at 300K, assuming the sample to be non degenerate is ________ meV.
(kBT = 25 meV at 300K)
Ans. 115
Sol. At T = 300 K, kBT = 25 meV
Let initial donor concentration and final donor concentration
= 2 × 2.303 × 25 meV = 115 meV
31. A particle of mass 'm' is subjected to a potential
The state with energy is g-fold degenerate. The value of 'g' is ____________________
Ans. 4
Sol. The energy of the two dimensional harmonic oscillator.
32. A hydrogen atom is in the state
where denote the principal, orbital and magnetic quantum numbers, respectively. If
is the angular momentum operator, the average value of
is ______________
Ans. 2
33. A planet of mass 'm' moves in a circular orbit of radius r0 in the gravitational potential where 'k' is a positive constant. The orbital angular momentum of the planet is
(a) 2r0km
(c) r0km
Ans. (d)
34. The moment of inertia of a rigid diatomic molecule A is 6 times that of another rigid diatomic molecule B. If the rotational energies of the two molecules are equal, then the corresponding values of the rotational quantum numbers JA and JB are
(a) JA = 2, JB = 1
(b) JA = 3, JB = 1
(c) JA = 5, JB = 0
(d) JA = 6, JB = 1
Ans. (b)
Sol. Rotational energy of the rigid diatomic molecules is given by
It terms of wave number unit,
where, J is a rotational quantum number.
IA and IB is moment of inertia of rigid rotator A and B respectively.
This equation is satisfied for
JA = 3 and JB = 1
35. The value of the integral
where C is the circle |z| = 4, is
Ans. (c)
Condition of singularity ez + 1 = 0
36. A ray of light inside Region 1 in the xy-plane is incident at the semicircle boundary that carries no free charges. The electric field at the point in plane polar coordinates is
, where
are the unit vectors. The emerging ray in Region 2 has the electric field
parallel to x-axis. If
are the dielectric constants of Region 1 and Region 2 respectively, then
is ______________
Ans. 2.33
Sol. Given : Electric field in region 1 is
According to boundary condition,
37. The solution of the differential equation
subject to the boundary conditions is
(a) cos t + sin t
(b) cosh t + sinh t
(c) cos t – sin t
(d) cosh t – sinh t
Ans. (d)
Assume, the trial solution to be y = c.e
So, y = Aet + Be–t
Putting y(t = 0) = 1, we get A + B = 1
Putting y(t = ) = 8, we get A = 0, B = 1
Therefore, y(t) = e–t = cosh t – sin h t
38. Given that the linear transformation of a generalized coordinate 'q' and the corresponding momentum p,
Q = q + 4ap
p = q + 2p
is canonical, the value of the constant 'a' is ___________
Ans. 0.25
Sol. For canonical transformation
Poisson Bracket {Q, P}q, p = 1
39. The value of the magnetic field required to maintain non-relativistic protons of energy 1 MeV in a circular orbit of radius 100 mm is ________ Tesla.
(Given: mp = 1.67 × 10–27 kg, e = 1.6 × 10–19 C)
Ans. 1.4450
Sol. Kinetic energy = 1 MeV
40. For a system of two bosons, each of which can occupy any of the two energy levels 0 and , the mean energy of the system at a temperature T with is given by
Sol. Two bosons particles can be distributed as
So the partition function is
The mean energy is
None of the option are correct.
41. In an interference pattern formed by two coherent sources, the maximum and the minimum of the intensities are 9I0 and I0, respectively. The intensities of the individual waves are
(a) 3I0 and I0
(b) 4I0 and I0
(c) 5I0 and 4I0
(d) 9I0 and I0
Ans. (b)
Taking positive value, we get
a + b = 3a – 3b
42. are two orthogonal states of a spin
system. It is given that
where represent the spin-up and spin-down states, respectively. When the system is in the state
, its probability to be in spin-up state is ___________
Ans. 0.66
According to Normalization condition,
43. Neutrons moving with speed 103 m/s are used for the determination of crystal structure. If the Bragg angle for the first order diffraction is 30º, the interplanar spacing of the crystal is ________Å.
(Given: mn = 1.675 × 10–27 kg, h = 6.626 × 10–34 Js)
Ans. 3.96
Sol. Wavelength of neutrons can be given by m = 3.96 × 10–10 m
44. The Hamiltonian of a particle of mass 'm' is given by . Which of the following figures describes the motion of the particle in phase space?
Ans. (d)
Sol. For positive p arrow should point towards positive q and for negative p arrow should point towards negative q therefore correct answer is (d)
45. The intensity of a laser in free space is 150 mW/m2. The corresponding amplitude of the electric field of the laser is ______ V/m.
Ans. 10.62
46. The emission wavelength for the transition is 3122 Å. The ratio of populations of the final to the initial states at a temperature 5000 K is (h = 6.626 × 10–34 J.s, c = 3 × 108 m/s, kB = 1.380 × 10–23 J/K)
(a) 2.03 × 10–5
(b) 4.02 × 10–5
(c) 7.02 × 10–5
(d) 9.83 × 10–5
Ans. (c)
Sol. [Note: According to the option in the equation, the ration of proportion of the initial to the final state has to be calculate].
The ratio of the molecule population of the initial state to final states is given by
Here, difference in the energy states
where, is the wavelength for the transition from state J = 2 to J = 3.
47. Consider a system of 3 fermions, which can occupy any of the 4 available energy states with equal probability. The entropy of the system is
(a) kB ln 2
(b) 2kB ln 2
(c) 2kB ln 2
(d) 3kB ln 4
Ans. (b)
Sol. The distribution of fermions is
So total number of microstates are 4, i.e., = 4.
The entropy of microstates are 4, i.e., = 4.
48. A particle is confined to a one dimensional potential box with potential
If the particle is subjected to a perturbation, within the box, , where
is a small constant, the first order correction to the ground state energy is
(a) 0
Ans. (c)
Sol. For one dimension potential box, the wave function is given by
First order correction to the ground state energy is
49. Consider the process . The minimum kinetic energy of the muons (µ) in the centre of mass frame required to produce the pion
pairs at rest is _________ MeV. (Given : mµ = 105 MeV/c2,
= 140 MeV/c2)
Ans. 35
Sol. According to the law of conservation of energy,
(K.E. + rest mass energy) of reactance = (K.E. + rest mass energy) of products
From equation (1),
50. A one dimensional harmonic oscillator is in the superposition of number states, , given by
The average energy of the oscillator in the given state is _____________ .
Ans. 3.25
51. A nucleus X undergoes a first forbidden -decay to a nucleus Y. If the angular momentum (I) and parity (P), denoted by IP as
for X, which of the following is a possible IP value for Y?
Ans. (c)
52. The current gain of the transistor in the following circuit is = 100. The value of collector current IC is ______________ mA.
Ans. 1.5
Sol. = 100
IC = ?
VBE = 0.7 V
Apply DC analysis, it means capacitor is open circuit KVL at input
KVL in input
12 = (IC + IB)3 + 150 × IB + 0.7 + 3 IB
IC = 100 IB
IE = 101 IB
12 = 101 × IB × 3 + 150 × IB + 0.7 + 3 × 101 × IB
IB = 0.015 mA
IC = .ΙΒ= 100 × 0.015 mA
IC = 1.5 mA
53. In order to measure a maximum of 1V with a resolution of 1mV using a n-bit A/D converter, working under the principle of ladder network, the minimum value of n is _____________
Ans. 10
Sol. Given: Resolution = 1 mV
To measure IV
Number of distinct values to measure 1V using least count of 1 mV
number of bits required to code 1000 different amplitudes
54. If L+ and L– are the angular momentum ladder operators, then, the expectation value of (L+L– + L–L+), in the state of an atom is ___________
Ans. 2
55. A low pass filter is formed by a resistance R and a capacitance C. At the cut-off angular frequency , the voltage gain and the phase of the output voltage relative to the input voltage respectively, are
(a) 0.71 and 45º
(b) 0.71 and –45º
(c) 0.5 and –90º
(d) 0.5 and 90º
Ans. (b)
Sol. LPF