Previous Year Question Paper with Solution.
1. The eigenvalues of a matrix are i, –2i and 3i. The matrix is
(a) unitary
(b) anti-unitary
(c) Hermitian
(d) anti-Hermitian
Ans. (d)
Sol. Eigenvalues of an anti-Hermitian matrix are either zero or purely imaginary
2. A space station moving in a circular orbit around the Earth goes into a new bound orbit by firing its engine radially outwards. This orbit is
(a) a larger circle
(b) a smaller circle
(c) an ellipse
(d) a parabola
Ans. (c)
Sol. When engine is fired radially outward, its velocity is not perpendicular to radial direction. Therefore, new bound orbit cannot be circle. So new bound orbit must be an ellipse.
3. A power amplifier gives 150W output for an input of 1.5W. The gain, in dB, is
(a) 10
(b) 20
(c) 54
(d) 100
Ans. (b)
Sol. P0 – 150W; Pi = 1.5 W
Power gain = = 100, Gain in dB = 10 log10, 100 = 20 dB
Note: For power we take 10 log P
4. Four point charges are placed in a plane at the following positions: +Q at (1, 0), –Q at (–1, 0), +Q at (0, 1) and –Q at (0, –1). At large distances the electrostatic potential due to this charge distribution will be dominated by the
(a) monopole moment
(b) dipole moment
(c) quadrupole moment
(d) octopole moment
Ans. (b)
Sol. Since, total charge is zero. So, monopole moment is zero.
Also,quadrupole moment,
Electrostatic potential will be due to charge distribution of dipole moment.
5. A charged capacitor (C) is connected in series with an inductor (L). When the displacement current reduces to zero, the energy of the LC circuit is
(a) stored entirely in its magnetic field
(b) stored entirely in its electric field
(c) distributed equally among its electric and magnetic fields
(d) radiated out of the circuit
Ans. (b)
Sol. When displacement current reduces to zero, the current in the circuit will be zero. So, total energy will be stored entirely in its electric field.
6. Match the following
P. Frank-Hertz experiment 1. electronic excitation of
Q. Hartree-Fock method 2. wave function of atoms
R. Stern-Gerlach experiment 3. spin angular momentum of
S. Franck-Condon principle 4. energy levels in atoms
(a) (b) (c) (d)
P-4 P-1 P-3 P-4
Q-2 Q-4 Q-2 Q-1
R-3 R-3 R-4 R-3
S-1 S-2 S-1 S-2
Ans. (a)
Sol. P : Frank-Hertz experiment was performed to identify energy levels in atoms.
Q: Hartree-Fock method is used for the wave functions of atoms.
R: Stern-Gerlach experiment was performed to check the space quantisation of "spin angular momentum of atoms".
S: Frank-Condon principle was given for the electronic excitation of molecules.
7. The wavefunction of a particle, moving in a one-dimensional time-independent potential V(x) is given by , where a and b are constants. This means that the potential V(x) is of the form.
(c) V(x) = 0
Ans. (c)
This is wave function of free particle: So, V(x) = 0
8. The D1 and D2 lines of Na (32P1/2
32S1/2, 32P3/2
32S1/2) will split on the application of a weak magnetic field into
(a) 4 and 6 lines respectively
(b) 3 lines each
(c) 6 and 4 lines respectively
(d) 6 lines each
Ans. (a)
Sol. In weak magnetic field (Anomalous Zeeman effect), selection rules are
. Thus, D1 and D2 will give 4 and 6 transitions.
9. In a He-Ne laser, the laser transition takes place in
(a) He only
(b) Ne only
(c) Ne first, then in He
(d) He first, then in Ne
Ans. (b)
Sol. In a He-Ne laser (Four level laser), the population inversion is achieved by electric discharge He atoms help in achieving a population inversion in the Ne atoms. Thus, the laser transition takes place in Ne only.
10. The partition function of a single gas molecule is . The partition function of N such non-interacting gas molecules is then given by
Ans. (a, b)
Sol. If we take classical approach, the gas molecules are taken to be distinguishable. Hence,
If semi-classical approach is taken, the gas molecules are taken to be indistinguishable.
11. A solid superconductor is placed in an external magnetic field and then cooled below its critical temperature. The superconductor
(a) retains its magnetic flux because the surface current supports it
(b) expels out its magnetic flux because it behaves like a paramagnetic materials
(c) expels out its magnetic flux because it behaves like an anti-ferromagnetic material
(d) expels out its magnetic flux because the surface current induces a field in the direction opposite to the applied magnetic field
Ans. (d)
Sol. According to Meissner effect, the superconductor expels out its magnetic flux because the surface current induces a field in the direction opposite to the applied magnetic field and it behaves like a perfect diamagnet
12. A particle with energy E is in a time-independent double well potential as shown in the figure.
Which of the following statements about the particle is NOT correct?
(a) The particle will always be in a bound state
(b) The probability of finding the particle in one well will be time-dependent
(c) The particle will be confined to any one of the wells
(d) The particle can tunnel from one well to the other, and back
Ans. (b)
Sol. Since, potential is time independent, therefore the probability of finding the particle in one well will be time independent.
13. It is necessary to apply quantum statistics to a system of particles if
(a) there is substantial overlap between the wavefunctions of the particles
(b) the mean free path of the particles is comparable to the inter-particle separation
(c) the particles have identical mass and charge
(d) the particles are interacting
Ans. (a)
Sol. The quantum statistics applies when the de–Broglic wavelength of the particles (or associated with the particles) is comparable to the size of the particles. Under this condition, their wave-functions start overlapping.
14. When liquid oxygen is poured down close to a strong bar magnet, the oxygen stream is
(a) repelled towards the lower field because it is diamagnetic
(b) attracted towards the higher field because it is diamagnetic
(c) repelled towards the lower field because it is paramagnetic
(d) attracted towards the higher field because it is paramagnetic
Ans. (d)
Sol. Electron configuration of oxygen,
So, it has two free electron in the outer shell.
So, it will be attracted towards the higher field because it is paramagnetic.
15. Fission fragments are generally radioactive as
(a) they have excess of neutrons
(b) they have excess of protons
(c) they are products of radioactive nuclides
(d) their total kinetic energy is of the order of 200 MeV
Ans. (a)
Sol. Since number of neutron increases in comparison to number of protons with atomic number i.e. (N-Z) increases with Z. For the radioactive elements like 92U235 and 92U238, (N-Z) values are 51 and 54 respectively. When a uranium nucleus, undergoes fission fragments (Kr and Bal generally contain many neutrons.
16. In a typical npn transistor the doping concentrations in emitter, base and collector regions are CE, CB and CC respectively. These satisfy the relation
(a) CE > CC > CB
(b) CE > CB > CC
(c) CC > CB > CE
(d) CE = CC > CB
Ans. (a)
Sol. NE > NC > NB
As per manufacturing of BJT doping of emitter > collector > base.
17. The allowed states for He (2p2) configuration are
(a) 1S0, 3S1, 1P1, 3P0,1,2, 1D2 and 3D1,2,3
(b) 1S0, 3P0,1,2 and 1D2
(c) 1P1 and 3P0,1,2
(d) 1S0 and 1P1
Ans. (b)
Sol. For He (2p2) configuration, we have two equivalent electrons in 2d2 state.
Thus, For one electron,
For other electron,
Thus, possible values of s and l are
Multiplicity (2s +1) = 1, 3 and
l = |l1 – l2|, |l1– l2| + 1,..., (l1 + l2) – |1 – 1|, |1 – 1| + 1,...,(1 + 1) = 0, l, 2 (S, P, D, states).
Thus, in total we have six terms, three singlet and three triplet terms.
All these terms are even because the configuration 2d2 is even ( = 1 + 1 = 2). We can write these terms as 1S, 1P, 1D, 3S, 3P, 3D
To take into account spin–orbit interaction, let us combine L and S to form J.
Now, J = |L – S|,... |L + S|.
For the equivalent electrons (according Hund's rule), terms 1P1, 2S1 3D1, 2, 3 will not be present and terms 1S0, 1D2, 3P0,1,2 will be present.
18. The energy levels of a particle of mass m in a potential of the form
are given, in terms of quantum number n = 0, 1, 2, 3, ...., by
Ans. (c)
Sol. For the given potential, 0 for x > 0 and
= 0 for v < 0.
For the sake of continuity at x = 0
should be zero at x = 0
The normalized wave function of a particle moving under a linear harmonic oscillator potential is given by
(x = 0) will be non-zero for n = 0, 2, 3, 4, 6... and will be zero 1, 3, 5, 7........So, possible value of 'n' is odd.
The energy eigenvalues of the particle will be
19. The electromagnetic field due to a point charge must be described by Lienard Weichert potentials when
(a) the point charge is highly accelerated
(b) the electric and magnetic fields are not perpendicular
(c) the point charge is moving with velocity close to that of light
(d) the calculation is done for the radiation zone, i.e. far away from the charge
Ans. (c)
Sol. Correct option is (c)
20. The strangeness quantum number is conserved in
(a) strong, weak and electromagnetic interactions
(b) weak and electromagnetic interactions only
(c) strong and weak interactions only
(d) strong and electromagnetic interactions only
Ans. (d)
Sol. Strangeness is conserved in strong and electromagnetic both interactions.
21. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix are
Ans. (a)
22. A vector field is defined everywhere as . The net flux of
associated with a cube of side L, with one vertex at the origin and sides along the positive X, Y, and Z axes, is
(a) 2L3
(b) 4L3
(c) 8L3
(d) 10L3
Ans. (a)
The net flux of F associated with the cube
Ans. (c)
24. Consider a vector in the coordinate system
. The axes are rotated anti-clockwise about the Y axis by an angle of 60º. The vector
in the rotated coordinate system
Ans. (a)
Sol. The rotation matrix corresponding to the anti-clockwise rotation about y-axis by an angle will
25. The contour integral is to be evaluated on a circle of radius 2a centered at the origin. It will have contributions only from the points
(b) ia and –ia
Ans. (d)
26. Inverse Laplace transform of is
Ans. (b)
27. The points, where the series solution of the Legendre differential equation
will diverge, are located at
(a) 0 and 1
(b) 0 and –1
(c) –1 and 1
Ans. (c)
Sol. The solution of Legendre differential equation will be y = A Pn(x) + BQn (x)
where Pn(x) is Legendre polynomial of order n and Qn(X) is Legendre function of second kind and given by
This shows that, Qn(x) will diverge at x = ± 1.
28. Solution of the differential equation with the boundary condition that y = 1 at x = 1 is
(a) y = 5x4 – 4
Ans. (d)
29. Match the following
P. rest mass 1. time like vector
Q. charge 2. Lorentz invariant
R. four-momentum 3. tensor of rank 2
S. electromagnetic field 4. conserved and Lorentz invariant
(a) (b) (c) (d)
P-2 P-4 P-2 P-4
Q-4 Q-2 Q-4 Q-2
R-3 R-1 R-1 R-3
S-1 S-3 S-3 S-1
Ans. (c)
Sol. (P) rest mass (2) Lorentz invariant
(Q) charge (4) conserved and Lorentz invariant
(R) Four momentum (1) time like vector
(S) Electromagnetic field (3) tensor of rank 2
30. The moment of inertia of a uniform sphere of radius r about an axis passing through its centre is given by . A rigid sphere of uniform mass density
and radius R has two smaller spheres of radius hollowed out of it, as shown in the figure. The moment of inertia of the resulting body about the Y axis is
Ans. (b)
31. The Lagrangian of a particle of mass m is
where V, W and
are constants.
The conserved quantities are
(a) energy and z-component of linear momentum only
(b) energy and z-component of angular momentum only
(c) z-components of both linear and angular momenta only
(d) energy and z-components of both linear and angular momenta
Ans. (c)
Sol. Lagrangian L explicitly depends on time t, so energy is not conserved,
z is cyclic coordinate, so pz is conserved
L is invariant under rotation about z axis, so Lz is conserved.
32. Three particles of mass m each situated at x1(t), x2(t) and x3(t) respectively are connected by two springs of spring constant k and un-stretched length l. The system is free to oscillate only in one dimension along the straight line joining all the three particles. The Lagrangian of the system is
Ans. (d)
Sol. Kinetic energy
Potential energy
Therefore, the Lagrangian of the system is.
33. The Hamiltonian of a particle is where q is the generalized coordinate and p is the corresponding canonical momentum. The Lagrangian is
Ans. (b)
p = m (q – q)
Putting the value of p from above
34. A toroidal coil has N closely-wound turns. Assume the current through the coil to be I and the toroid is filled with a magnetic material of relative permittivity µr. The magnitude of magnetic induction inside the toroid, at a radial distance r from the axis, is given by
(a) µrµ0NIr
Ans. (c)
35. An electromagnetic wave with is travelling in free space and crosses a disc of radius 2m placed perpendicular to the z-axis. If E0 = 60 Vm–1, the average power, in Watt, crossing the disc along the z-direction is
(a) 30
(b) 60
(c) 120
(d) 270
Ans. (c)
Sol. We have, I = l50 Wm–2
36. Can the following scalar and vector potentials describe an electromagnetic field?
where is a constant
(a) Yes, in the Coulomb gauge
(b) Yes, in the Lorentz gauge
(c) Yes, provided = 0
(d) No
Ans. (d)
37. For a particle of mass m in a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator potential of the form , the first excited energy eigenstate is
. The value of a is
Ans. (c)
Sol. Schrodinger equation,
Comparing the coefficient of x2 from both sides,
38. If the value of [x3, p] is
Ans. (c)
39. There are only three bound states for a particle of mass m in a one-dimensional potential well of the form shown in the figure. The depth V0 of the potential satisfies
Ans. (a)
Sol. There will be only three bound state if
40. An atomic state of hydrogen is represented by the following wavefunction:
where a0 is a constant. The quantum numbers of the state are
(a) l = 0, m = 0, n = 1
(b) l = 1, m = 1, n = 2
(c) l = 1, m = 0, n = 2
(d) l = 2, m = 0, n = 3
Ans. (c)
Since, there is only one cosine term so = 1.
Since, there are no term containing , so m = 0.
So, the state is 2P.
41. Three operators X, Y and Z satisfy the commutation relations
The set of all possible eigenvalues of the operator Z, in units of , is
Ans. (c)
Since, component of total angular momentum follow the above relation
So, z operator is behaving like Jz and it has eigen values ± where
42. A heat pump working on the Carnot cycle maintains the inside temperature of a house at 22ºC by supplying 450 kJ s–1. If the outside temperature is 0ºC, the heat taken, in kJ s–1, from the outside air is approximately
(a) 487
(b) 470
(c) 467
(d) 417
Ans. (d)
Sol. Given: T1 = 0 °C = 273 K, Q1 = ? and T2 = 22 °C = 295 K, Q2 = 450 kJs–1
43. The vapour pressure p (in mm of Hg) of a solid, at temperature T, is expressed by ln p = 23 – 3863/T and that of its liquid phase by ln p = 19 – 3063/T. The triple point (in Kelvin) of the material is
(a) 185
(b) 190
(c) 195
(d) 200
Ans. (d)
Sol. At triple point, vapour pressure of a solid phase gets equal to that of liquid phase.
44. The free energy for a photon gas is given by , where a is a constant. The entropy S and the pressure P of the photon gas are
Ans. (a)
45. A system has energy levels E0, 2E0, 3E0, ..., where the excited states are triply degenerate. Four non-interacting bosons are placed in this system. If the total energy of these bosons is 5E0, the number of microstates is
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5
Ans. (b)
Sol. Given: Every excited state 3-fold degenerate
The possible states where the total energy is 5F0 are as follows
So number of possible states are three.
46. In accordance with the selection rules for electric dipole transitions, the 43P1 state of helium can decay by photon emission to the states
(a) 21S0, 21P1 and 31D2
(b) 31P1, 31D2 and 31S0
(c) 33P2, 33D3 and 33P0
(d) 23S1, 33D2 and 33D1
Ans. (d)
Sol. For Helium: 4 3P1
For one electron transition – ± 1 and
= 0, ± 1.
For an atom as a whole,
= 0,
= ± 1 (for one electron transition) and
= 0, ± 1 (for more than one electron transition),
= 0, ± 1 and
= any integer.
Out of these four options, only option (d) satisfies the above conditions.
47. If an atom is in the 3D3 state, the angle between its orbital and spin angular momentum vectors ( and
) is
Ans. (a)
Sol. For 3D3 state, L = 2, J = 3, 2S + 1 = 3 S = 1
The angle between the orbital and spin angular momentum can be calculated using formula,
48. The hyperfine structure of Na(32P3/2) with nuclear spin I = 3/2 has
(a) 1 state
(b) 2 states
(c) 3 states
(d) 4 states
Ans. (d)
Sol. For Na(32P3/2) with nuclear spin 1 = , we have, J = , 2S+1 = 2
S =
and L = 1
For hyperfine structure,
Total angular momentum F = total angular momentum of electron + total nuclear spin
= |J + I|,....,|J–I
Thus the hyperfine structure of Na (32P1/2) with nuclear spin has 4 states as shown below.
49. The allowed rotational energy levels of a rigid hetero-nuclear diatomic molecule are expressed as where B is the rotational constant and J is a rotational quantum number.
In a system of such diatomic molecules of reduced mass µ; some of the atoms of one element are replaced by a heavier isotope, such that the reduced mass is changed to 1.05µ. In the rotational spectrum of the system, the shift in the spectral line, corresponding to a transition is
(a) 0.475 B
(b) 0.50 B
(c) 0.95 B
(d) 1.0 B
Ans. (c)
Sol. The allowed rotational energy
EJ = BJ(J + 1) ...(i)
The wave number () of the emitted or absorbed radiation under allowed transition is given by
= 2B(J + l) ...(ii)
where J is rotational quantum number and is rotational constant.
For the reduced mass µ the wave number corresponding to the transition J = 4 5 is given by
[We take lower value of J i.e. J= 4, here]
For the reduced mass µ' = 1.05 µ and J = 4 5 transition the wave number is given by
From equations (iii) and (iv), we get
50. The number of fundamental vibrational modes of CO2 molecule is
(a) four : 2 are Raman active and 2 are infrared active
(b) four : 1 is Raman active and 3 are infrared active
(c) three : 1 is Raman active and 2 are infrared active
(d) three : 2 are Raman active and 1 is infrared active
Ans. (c)
Sol. The number of fundamental vibrational modes of CO2 molecule is three. Out of these, two are infrared active and one is Raman active.
51. A piece of paraffin is placed in a uniform magnetic field H0. The sample contains hydrogen nuclei of mass mp, which interact only with external magnetic field. An additional oscillating magnetic field is applied to observe resonance absorption. If gi is the g-factor of the hydrogen nucleus, the frequency, at which resonance absorption takes place, is given by
Ans. (c)
Sol. The magnetic moment of the nucleus
The energy absorbed at resonance frequency
If v0 is the resonance frequency, then
52. The solid phase of an element follows van der Waals bonding with inter-atomic potential , where P and Q are constants. The bond length can be expressed as
Ans. (a)
53. Consider the atomic packing factor (APF) of the following crystal structures:
P. Simple Cubic
Q. Body Centred Cubic
R. Face Centred Cubic
S. Diamond
T. Hexagonal Close Packed
Which two of the above structures have equal APF?
(a) P and Q
(b) S and T
(c) R and S
(d) R and T
Ans. (d)
From above table, it is clear that, the APF of face-centered cubic (R) and hexagonal close packed (T) are same.
54. In a powder diffraction pattern recorded from a face-centred cubic sample using x-rays, the first peak appears at 30º. The second peak will appear at
(a) 32.8º
(b) 33.7º
(c) 34.8º
(d) 35.3º
Ans. (d)
Sol. For face-centered cubic sample,
For first peak, (hkl) = (11)
For second peak, (hkl) = (200)
Therefore, from Bragg's law: 2d sin
55. Variation of electrical resistivity with temperature T of three solids is sketched (on different scales) in the figure, as curves P, Q and R.
Which one of the following statements describes the variations most appropriately?
(a) P is for a superconductor, and R for a semiconductor
(b) Q is for a superconductor, and P for a conductor
(c) Q is for a superconductor, and R for a conductor
(d) R is for a superconductor, and P for a conductor
Ans. (b)
56. An extrinsic semiconductor sample of cross-section A and length L is doped in such a way that the doping concentration varies as where N0 is a constant. Assume that the mobility µ of the majority carriers remains constant. The resistance R of the sample is given by
Ans. (a)
Consider an elementary length dx.
Therefore, the resistance of the elementary length
57. A ferromagnetic mixture of iron and copper having 75% atoms of Fe exhibits a saturation magnetization of 1.3 × 106 Am–1. Assume that the total number of atoms per unit volume is 8 × 1028 m–3. The magnetic moment of an iron atom, in terms of the Bohr Magneton, is
(a) 1.7
(b) 2.3
(c) 2.9
(d) 3.8
Ans. (b)
Sol. Ferromagnetic mixture of Iron (Fe) and Copper (Cu)
Amount (%) of Fe = 75%; % of Cu = 25%
Total number of atoms, = n = 8 × 1028 m–3
75% of n contributes for saturation magnetisation
So, neff = 0.75 × 8 × 1028 m3
58. Half life of a radio-isotope is 4 × 108 years. If there are 103 radioactive nuclei in a sample today, the number of such nuclei in the sample 4 × 109 years ago were
(a) 128 × 103
(b) 256 × 103
(c) 512 × 103
(d) 1024 × 103
Ans. (d)
Sol. Given that half life T1/2 – = 4 × 108 years
Total time = 4 × 109 years.
Therefore, number of half life time
Therefore, remaining number of particles after 10 half life time
59. In the deuterium + tritium (d + t) fusion more energy is released as compared to deuterium + deuterium (d + d) fusion because
(a) tritium is radioactive
(b) more nucleons participate in fusion
(c) the Coulomb barrier is lower for the d + t system than d + d system
(d) the reaction product 4He is more tightly bound
Ans. (a)
Sol. Since, tritium is radioactive, therefore more energy releases in (deuterium + tritium) fusion.
60. According to the shell model the ground state spin of the 17O nucleus is
Ans. (b)
Sol. For 8O17, Z = 8, N = 9
9N = (1s1/2)2 (1p3/2)4 (1p1/2)2 (1d5/2)1
Therefore, parity = (–1)2 = +1(even)
Therefore, spin-parity =
61. A relativistic particle travels a length of 3 × 10–3 m in air before decaying. The decay process of the particle is dominated by
(a) strong interactions
(b) electromagnetic interactions
(c) weak interactions
(d) gravitational interactions
Ans. (c)
Sol. Travelling distance = 3 × 10–3 m
The time taken by the particle to travel the given distance
Therefore, interaction is weak.
62. The strange baryon has the quark structure
(a) uds
(b) uud
(c) uus
Ans. (c)
Sol. For baryon, quark structure is 'uus'
63. A neutron scatters elastically from a heavy nucleus. The initial and final states of the neutron have the
(a) same energy
(b) same energy and linear momentum
(c) same energy and angular momentum
(d) same linear and angular momenta
Ans. (a)
Sol. Since there is no loss of energy in elastic scattering. Therefore, the initial and final states of the neutron have the same energy.
64. The circuit shown is based on ideal operational amplifiers. It acts as a
(a) subtractor
(b) buffer amplifier
(c) adder
(d) divider
Ans. (b)
Ideal op-amp has infinite input resistance so there will no current pass through op-amp and VA and VB equal to zero due to virtual ground concept.
V3 = V1
Output is same as input. So, it works as Buffer amplifier.
65. Identify the function F generated by the logic network shown
(a) F = (X + Y)Z
(c) F = ZY(Y + X)
(d) F = XYZ
Ans. (d)
66. In the circuit shown, the ports Q1 and Q2 are in the state Q1 = 1, Q2 = 0. The circuit is now subjected to two complete clock pulses. The state of these ports now becomes
(a) Q2 = 1, Q1 = 0
(b) Q2 = 0, Q1 = 1
(c) Q2 = 1, Q1 = 1
(d) Q2 = 0, Q1 = 0
Ans. (c)
Sol. Given Q1 = 1, Q2 = 0
For J = K = 1 output is complemented (Toggle), and Q2 will be toggle when Q1 become from 0 1 (as it is clock pulse of Q2)
So, after two clock pulse output will be 11.
67. The registers QD, QC, QB and QA shown in the figure are initially in the state 1010 respectively. An input sequence SI = 0101 is applied. After two clock pulses, the state of the shift registers (in the same sequence QD QC QB QA) is
(a) 1001
(b) 0100
(c) 0110
(d) 1010
Ans. (a)
Sol. Serial input is S1 =0101
Parallel output of 2nd clock = 10 0 1
68. For the circuit shown, the potential difference (in Volts) across RL is
(a) 48
(b) 52
(c) 56
(d) 65
Ans. (a)
Sol. To find potential difference (in volts) across RL.
Nodal-Analysis at (a)
Va = 48 Volt
69. In the circuit shown, the voltage at test point P is 12V and the voltage between gate and source is –2V. The value of R (in ) is
(a) 42
(b) 48
(c) 56
(d) 70
Ans. (d)
VGS = – 2 Volt
KVL (1)
+VGS + 1D4 = 42 I1
–2 + ID × 4 = 42 I1
Pul 1D = 2mA; 6 = 4211; 11 = mA
KVL as per dashed line shown
16 = 11 × R–2 + 8 Put I1 = mA
16 = I1 × R + 6
10 = 11 × R Put 1, value
R = 70
70. When an input voltage Vi, of the form shown, is applied to the circuit given below, the output voltage V0 is of the form
Ans. (c)
Equivalent circuit.
Case - (1) Case - (2)
0 < Vin < 2.3 V 2.3V < Vi < 12 V
Diode – ON Diode – OFF
Case – (3)
Vin < 0
Diode – ON
Note: When the diode is upward direction the signal will transmitted above the reference voltage minus cut in voltage of diode (V = 0.7) (Plus minus depend on polarity of reference voltage).
Common Data for Questions 71, 72, 73:
A particle of mass m is confined in the ground state of a one-dimensional box, extending from x = –2L to x = +2L. The wavefunction of the particle in this state is where
is a constant
71. The normalization factor of this wavefunction is
Ans. (c)
Normalization condition:
72. The energy eigenvalue corresponding to this state is
Ans. (d)
Sol. The energy of the ground state will be
73. The expectation value of p2 (p is the momentum operator) in this state is
(a) 0
Ans. (c)
Sol. The expectation value of
Common Data for Questions 74, 75:
The Fresnel relations between the amplitudes of incident and reflected electromagnetic waves at an interface between air and a dielectric of refractive index µ, are
The subscripts || and refer to polarization, parallel and normal to the plane of incidence respectively. Here, i and r are the angles of incidence and refraction respectively
74. The coordination for the reflected ray to be completely polarized is
(a) µcos i = cos r
(b) cos i = µcos r
(c) µcos i = –cos r
(d) cos i = –µcos r
Ans. (a)
Sol. When the incident angle i is become (ip) Brewster angle then the reflected light is completely polarized.
75. For normal incidence at an air-glass interface with µ = 1.5 the fraction of energy reflected is given by
(a) 0.40
(b) 0.20
(c) 0.16
(d) 0.04
Ans. (d)
Sol. We know that
Statement for Linked Answer Questions 76 & 77:
In the laboratory frame, a particle P of rest mass m0 is moving in the positive x direction with a speed of . It approaches an identical particle Q, moving in the negative x direction with a speed of
76. The speed of the particle P in the rest frame of the particle Q is
Ans. (c)
Sol. Speed of P in rest frame of Q
77. The energy of the particle P in the rest frame of the particle Q is
Ans. (b)
Sol. Energy of P in rest frame of Q is
Statement for Linked Answer Questions 78 & 79
The atomic density of a solid is 5.85 × 1028 m–3. Its electrical resistivity is 1.6 × 10–8
m. Assume that electrical conduction is described by the Drude model (classical theory), and that each atom contributes one conduction electron.
78. The drift mobility (in m2 V–1 s–1) of the conduction electrons is
(a) 6.67 × 10–3
(b) 6.67 × 10–6
(c) 7.63 × 10–3
(d) 7.63 × 10–6
Ans. (a)
Sol. We know that conductivity,
79. The relaxation time (mean free time), in seconds, of the conduction electrons is
(a) 3.98 × 10–15
(b) 3.79 × 10–14
(c) 2.84 × 10–12
(d) 2.64 × 10–11
Ans. (b)
Statement for Linked Answer Questions 80 & 81:
A sphere of radius R carries a polarization , where k is a constant and
is measured from the centre of the sphere.
80. The bound surface and volume charge densities are given, respectively, by
Ans. (b)
Sol. Bound surface charge density
Bound volume charge density,
81. The electric field at a point
outside the sphere is given by
Ans. (a)
Sol. The electric field at the out side of the sphere
Statement for Linked Answer Questions 82 & 83:
An ensemble of quantum harmonic oscillators is kept at a finite temperature
82. The partition function of a single oscillator with energy levels is given by
Ans. (a)
The partition function of a single oscillator is
83. The average number of energy quanta of the oscillations is given by
Ans. (a)
Sol. The average number of energy quanta are
Statement for Linked Answer Questions 84 & 85:
A 16µA beam of alpha particles, having cross-sectional area 10–4 m2, is incident on a rhodium target of thickness 1µm. This produces neutrons through the reaction
84. The number of alpha particles hitting the target per second is
(a) 0.5 × 1014
(b) 1.0 × 1014
(c) 2.0 × 1020
(d) 4.0 × 1020
Ans. (a)
Sol. Given that, I = 16µA = 16 × 10–6 A
Charge (qa) = 2e = 2 × 1.6 × 10–19 C
85. The neutrons are observed at the rate of 1.806 × 108 s–1. If the density of rhodium is approximated as 104 kg m–3 the cross-section for the reaction (in barns) is
(a) 0.1
(b) 0.2
(c) 0.4
(d) 0.8
Ans. (b)
Sol. For a reaction, X + x y + Y or X (x, y) Y
where x, y are incident and emitted particles.
The cross-section of the reaction is given by
where Ix is number of particles incident per second
Iy is number of particles outgoing per second
Ix = 0.5 × 1014 particles/sec as calculated in Q.84
The above formula is for 1 to 1 corresponding i.e. for lx particle 1y should be formed. In this equation 3n are formed.
At which number of -particles hitting the target
Ix = 0.5 × 1014/sec
At which neutrons are produced = 1.806 × 108/sec
Since, 3n are produced
Now, to calculate number or Rh nuclei (Avogadro No.)
100 gm of Rh possesss = 6.022 × 1023 nuclei (Avogadro No.)
Since, 1 gm of Rh possess = 6.022 × l021 nuclei (Avogadro No.)
Since, density = 104 kg/m3 = 107 gm/m3
Therefore, 107 gm of Rh possess = 6.022 × 1028 nuclei/m3
Now, 1 area × thickness possess = 6.022 × 1028 nuclei/m3
1 area × 1 µm possess = 6.022 × 1028 × 10–6 nuclei/area
Therefore, number of Rh nuclei per unit area = 6.0222 × 1022
= 0.2 barn (1 barn = 10–28 m2)