Previous Year Question Paper with Solution.
1. One gram of salt is dissolved in water that is filled to a height of 5 cm in a beaker of diameter 10 cm. The accuracy of length measurement is 0.01 cm while that of mass measurement is 0.01 mg. When measuring the concentration C, the fractional error C/C is
(a) 0.8%
(b) 0.14%
(c) 0.5%
(d) 0.28%
Ans. (d)
Sol. m = 1 gm, h = 5 cm, d = 10 cm,
Fractional error,
2. A system can have three energy levels: . The level E = 0 is doubly degenerate, while the others are non-degenerate. The average energy at inverse temperature
(c) Zero
Ans. (d)
Sol. Average energy of the system
3. For a particular thermodynamics system the entropy S is related to the internal energy U and volume V by
S = c U3/4V1/4
where c is a constant. The Gibbs potential G = U – TS + pV for this system is
(c) zero
Ans. (c)
Sol. Entropy of the system,
S = cU3/4 V1/4
From combined form of first and second law of thermodynamics,
Gibbs potential,
4. An op-amp based voltage follower
(a) is useful for converting a low impedance source into a high impedance source
(b) is useful for converting a high impedance source into a low impedance source
(c) has infinitely high closed loop output impedance
(d) has infinitely high closed loop gain
Ans. (b)
Sol. Is useful for converting a high impedance source into a low impedance source. At the input op-amp impedance is high and at output impedance is low.
5. A particle of mass m in three dimensions is in the potential
Its ground state energy is
Ans. (a)
Sol. The energy eigenvalues of the given infinite sphereical square well potential is
(n = 1, 2, 3, .........)
The ground state energy will be
6. Which of the graphs below gives the correct qualitative behavior of the energy density of blackbody radiation of wavelength
at two temperatures T1 and T2(T1 < T2)?
Ans. (c)
Sol. At a consequence of Wien's displacement law, we can relate how the spectrum of black body radiation depends on the temperature of the body and corresponding mathematical equation is,
where, is the wavelength at which the energy density of black body radiation, is maximum at temperature T i.e. for two temperatures T1 and T2.
Since, and the total energy density is proportional to T4. Therefore,
7. Given that , the uncertainty
in the ground state
of the hydrogen atom is
Ans. (a)
Given : Ground state wave function
Using the integration :
Momentum spread
8. An RC network produces a phase-shift of 30º. How many such RC network should be cascaded together and connected to a Common Emitter amplifier so that the final circuit behaves as an oscilator?
(a) 6
(b) 12
(c) 9
(d) 3
Ans. (a)
Sol. For an RC-phase shift oscillator 3 stages provide 180º. Hence, each stage provides a phase shift of 60º.
If each stage provides phase shift of 30º then 6 RC stages are used.
9. The free energy F of a system depends on a thermodynamics variable as
with a, b > 0. The value of , when the system is in thermodynamic equilibrium, is
(a) zero
(b) +(a/6b)1/4
(c) +(a/3b)1/4
(d) +(a/b)1/4
Ans. (c)
Sol. Free energy of system,
, a, b > 0
In equilibrium,
But at
10. The inner shield of a triaxial conductor is driven by an (ideal) op-amp follower circuit as shown. The effective capacitance between the signal-carrying conductor and ground is
(a) unaffected
(b) doubled
(c) halved
(d) made zero
Ans. (d)
Sol. For a voltage follow ideal op-amp. The effective capacitance between signal carrying conductor and ground can be made either zero or uneffected (a) or (d).
11. Consider a system of two non-interacting identical fermions, each of mass m in an infinite square well potential of width a. (Take the potential inside the well to be zero and ignore spin). The composite wavefunction for the system with total energy
Ans. (a)
Sol. A system of two non-interacting identical fermions have anti-symmetric wave function.
If we ignore the spin of the fermions, then space part of the wave function will be anti-symmetric.
Energy of the system
Given : n1 = 1, n2 = 2
The space part wavefunction of the system
12. A particle of mass m in the potential , is in an eigenstate of energy
. The corresponding un-normalized eigenfunction is
Ans. (a)
It is a 2-D anisotropic harmonic oscillator having and
Energy eigenvalue (where, n = 2nx + ny)
Given :
The corresponding wavefunction will be,
13. A particle of mass m and coordinate q has the Lagrangian
where is a constant. The Hamiltonian for the system is given by
Ans. (b)
We know that
Eq. (1), (2) put in Eq. (3)
14. If and C is the circle of unit radius in the plane defined by z = 1, with the centre on the z-axis, then the value of the integral
(d) 0
Ans. (d)
Sol. i.e. field is conservative.
Since, line integral of a conservative field along a closed path is zero, then
15. Given, , for |t| < 1, the value of P5(–1) is
(a) 0.26
(b) 1
(c) 0.5
(d) –1
Ans. (d)
Putting x = –1 in the above equation, we get
Comparing the coefficient t5 on the both sides, we get P5(–1) = –1
16. A charged particle is at a distance d from an infinite conducting plane maintained at zero potential. When released from rest, the particle reaches a speed u at a distance d/2 from the plane. At what distance from the plane will the particle the speed 2u?
(a) d/6
(b) d/3
(c) d/4
(d) d/5
Ans. (d)
Sol. Let x is the distance of charge particle from the plane. So, image charge will appear at x distance behind the plane.
17. Consider the matrix
The eigenvalues of M are
(a) –5, –2, 7
(b) –7, 0, 7
(c) –4i, 2i, 2i
(d) 2, 3, 6
Ans. (b)
Sol. Sum of the eigenvalues of the matrix M = trace of the matrix M = 0
Product of the eigenvalues of the matrix M = determinant of the matrix M = 0
Only –7, 0, 7 satisfies both the relation.
18. Consider the differential equation with the initial conditions x(0) = 0 and
. The solution x(t) attains its maximum value when 't' is
(a) 1/2
(b) 1
(c) 2
Ans. (b)
Assume the trial solution : x = cemt
General solution = x(t) = (c1 + c2t)e–t
Checking for maxima and minima :
For maxima or minima, t = 1
At t = 1,
Therefore, x(t) attains its maximum value at t = 1
19. A light source is switched on and off at a constant frequency f. An observer moving with a velocity u with respect to the light source will observe the frequency of the switching to be
Ans. (d)
Sol. From time dilation formula
20. If C is the contour defined by , the value of the integral
(c) 0
Ans. (c)
Sol. has poles of order 2 at
Only z = 0 will be within the circle
The given function, can be expanded into Lourrent series about z = 0 as following:
Residue of f(z) at (z = 0) = coefficient of in the Laurent series expansion of f(z) about (z = 0).
Therefore, the value of the integral = 0
21. The time period of a simple pendulum under the influence of he acceleration due to gravity g is T. The bob is subjected to an additional acceleration of magnitude in the horizontal direction. Assuming small oscillations, the mean position and time period of oscillation, respectively, of the bob will be
(a) 0º to the vertical and
(b) 30º to the vertical and T/2
(c) 60º to the vertical and
(d) 0º to the vertical and
Ans. (c)
22. Consider an electromagnetic wave at the interface between two homogeneouos dielectric media of the dielectric constants and
. Assuming
and non charges on the surface, the electric field vector
and the displacement vector D in the two media satisfy the following inequalities
Ans. (c)
Sol. According Boundary conditions
Equ (1), (2), (3), (4) put in equ (5),
So we can say that E1 > E2 and D2 > D1
23. If the electrostatic potential in spherical polar coordinates is
where and r0 are constants, then the charge density at a distance r = r0 will be
Ans. (a)
24. A current iP flows through the primary coil of a transformer. The graph of iP(t) as a function of time 't' is shown in figure below
Which of the following graph represents the current iS in the secondary coil?
Ans. (c)
Sol. Current in secondary coil is is proportional to
Therefore, if
25. A time-dependent current (where K is a constant) is switched on at t = 0 in an infinite current-carrying wire. The magnetic vector potential at a perpendicular distance 'a' from the wire is given (for time t > a/c) by
Ans. (a)
26. The pressure of a non-relativistic free Fermi gas in three-dimensions depends, at T = 0, on the density of fermions n as
(a) n5/3
(b) n1/3
(c) n2/3
(d) n4/3
Ans. (a)
Sol. (gs is called weight factor)
27. A double slit interference experiment uses a laser emitting light of two adjacent frequencies v1 and v2 (v1 < v2). The minimum path difference between the interfering beams for which the interference pattern disappears is
Ans. (d)
Relaxation time (Coherence time)
Coherence length
The fring width disappear if path difference is greater than half of the coherence length.
Therefore, minimum path difference for interference pattern to disappear is
28. The recently-discovered Higgs boson at the LHC experiment has a decay mode into a photon and a Z boson. If the rest masses of the Higgs and Z boson are 125 GeV/c2 and 90 GeV/c2 respectively, and the decaying Higgs particle is at rest, the energy of the photon will approximately be
(b) 35 GeV
(c) 30 GeV
(d) 15 GeV
Ans. (c)
Sol. The momentum of photon will be same (in magnitude) as Z-boson. If the energy of photon is E, then momentum
Now, energy of Z-boson where, mz = rest mass of Z-boson.
Energy conservation :
Rest energy of Higgs boson = energy of Z-boson + energy of photon.
29. A permanently deformed even-even nucleus with JP = 2+ has rotational energy 93 keV. The energy of the next excited state is
(a) 372 keV
(b) 310 keV
(c) 273 keV
(d) 186 keV
Ans. (b)
Sol. The energy , where, I is the moment of inertia.
So, for J = 2,
The next excited state is JP = 4+
So, energy
30. How much does the total angular momentum quantum number J change in the transition of Cr(3d6) atom as it ionizes to Cr2+(3d4)?
(a) increases by 2
(b) decreases by 2
(c) decreases by 4
(d) does not change
Ans. (c)
Since, 3d6 is greater than half filled, then ground state will correspond to maximum value of j, i.e. j = 4
Ground state term = 5D4
Since, 3d4 is less than half filled, the ground state will correspond to minimum value of j, i.e. j = 0
Ground state term = 5D0
Therefore, total angular momentum quantum number decreases by 4.
31. For the logic circuit shown in the figure below
a simplified equivalent circuit is
Ans. (a)
Output at point P = 0
Output at point K = ABC
Output at point x = 0 + ABC = ABC
32. A spectral line due to a transition from an electronic state p to an s state splits into three Zeeman lines in the presence of a strong magnetic field. At intermediate field strengths the number of spectral lines is
(a) 10
(b) 3
(c) 6
(d) 9
Ans. (a)
There are 12 different combinations of mj between final and initial level. But and
is forbidden according to selection rule :
Number of spectral lines = 12 – 2 = 10
33. A particle in the infinite square well
is prepared in a state with the wavefunction
The expectation value of the energy of the particle is
Ans. (c)
Since, is normalized, then
Expectation value of energy
34. The average local magnetic field acting on an Ising spin is Hint = αM, where M is the magnetization and a is positive constant. At a temperature T sufficiently close to (and above) the critical temperature Tc, the magnetic susceptibility at zero external field is proportional to (kB is the Boltzmann constant)
(a) kBT –
(b) (kBT + )–1
(c) (kBT – )–1
(d) tan h (kBT + )
Ans. (c)
Sol. Total effective magnetic field
He = H0 + Hin
Therefore, magnetization,
Taking the value of constant c = 1
35. In one dimension, a random walker takes a step with equal probability to the left or right. what is the probability that the walker returns to the starting point after 4 steps?
(a) 3/8
(b) 5/16
(c) ¼
(d) 1/16
Ans. (a)
Sol. In one dimension the probability of taking r steps right out of N steps.
After 4 steps, the Walker returns to the starting point i.e. r = 2
36. Consider an electron in a b.c.c. lattice with lattice constant a. A single particle wavefunction that satisfies the Block theorem will have the form , with
Ans. (b)
Sol. The reciprocal of BCC will be FCC i.e. block theorem satisfy the wave equation.
Correct option is (b)
Note :En(K + G) = En(k). This indicates that Enk is periodic with an period equal to the reciprocal lattice vector .
37. The dispersion relation for electrons in an f.c.c. crystal is given, in the tight binding approximation by
where 'a' is the lattice constant and is a constant with the dimension of energy. The x-component of the velocity of the electrons at
Ans. (d)
Sol. The x-component of velocity
38. The following data is obtained in an expriment that measures the viscosity as a function of molecular weight M for a set of polymers.
M (Da) η(kPa – s)
990 0.28 + 0.03
5032 30 + 2
10191 250 + 10
19825 2000 + 200
The relation that best describes the dependence of η on M is
(a) ~ M4/9
(b) ~ M3/2
(c) ~ M2
(c) ~ M3
Ans. (d)
Sol. Taking the ratio of consecutive datas for and M.
39. The integral is to be evaluated up to 3 decimal places using Simpson's 3-point rule. If the interval [0, 1] is divided into 4 equal parts, the correct result is
(a) 0.683
(b) 0.667
(c) 0.657
(d) 0.638
Ans. (c)
Sol. Number of intervals = 4, width of interval = h = (b – a)/n = (1 – 0)/4 = 0.25
According to Simpon's rule.
40. In a classical model, a scalar (spin-0) meson consists of a quark and an antiquark bound by a potential
where a = 200 VeV fm–1 and b = 100 MeV fm. If the masses of the quark and antiquark are negligible, the mass of the meson can be estimated as approximately
(a) 141 MeV/c2
(b) 283 MeV/c2
(c) 353 MeV/c2
(d) 425 MeV/c2
Ans. (b)
Sol. Bound state corresponds to minimum potential energy. For that
corresponds to minimum potential energy.
So, the potential energy of bound state
This is the total energy of meson because the mesons are spinless.
The mass
41. Let , where x1 and x2 are independent and identically distributed Gaussian random variables of mean µ and standard deviation
. Then
(a) 1
Ans. (b)
The answers given for is a scalar number i.e.
is independent of µ.
For simplicity, we can tanke µ = 0
y = (x1 + x2)/2
42. The graph of a real periodic function f(x) for the range is shown below
Which of the following graphs represents the real part of its Fourier transform?
Ans. (b)
Sol. The given graph in the question is of f(x) = cos
Therfore, the fourier transform of consist of two delta functions of same height at
and k = –
43. The matrices
satisfy the commutation relations
(a) [A, B] = B + C, [B, C] = 0, [C, A] = B + C
(b) [A, B] = C, [B, C] = A, [C, A] = B
(c) [A, B] = B, [B, C] = 0, [C, A] = A
(d) [A, B] = C, [B, C] = 0, [C, A] = B
Ans. (d)
Sol. The given matrix A, B, C satisfy the relations given in option (d)
44. The function satisfies the equation
Ans. (a)
As sin(x + iy) = sin x cos iy + cos x sin iy = sin x cosh y + i cos x cosh y
45. The coordinates and momenta xi, pi(i = 1, 2, 3) of a particle satisfy the canonical Poisson bracket relations {xi, pj} = . If C1 = x2p3 + x3p2 and C2 = x1p2 – x2p1 are constants of motion, and if C3 = {C1, C2} = x1p3 + x3p1, then
(a) {C2, C3} = C1 and {C3, C1} = C2
(b) {C2, C3} = C1 and {C3, C1} = C2
(c) {C2, C3} = –C1 and {C3, C1} = C2
(d) {C2, C3} = C1 and {C3, C1} = –C2
Ans. (d)
= p2.x3 – (–x2)p3 + (–p1).0 – x1.0 + 0.x1 – 0.p1
= p2x3 + x2p3 = C1
= p3.0 – x3.0 + 0.x3 – 0.p3 + p1x2 – x1.p2
= p1x2 – p2x1
= –C2
46. A canonical transformation relates the old coordinates (q, p) to the new ones (Q, P) by the relations Q = q2 and P = p/2q. The corresponding time-independent generating function is
(b) q2 P
(c) q2/P
(d) qP2
Ans. (b)
Sol. We know that
From given relation p = 2Pq
From given relation Q = q2
using equations (i) and (ii) we get F = q2P
47. The time evolution of a one-dimensional dynamical system is described by
If this has one stable and two unstable fixed points, then the parameter 'b' satisfies
(a) 0 < b < 1
(b) b > 1
(c) b < –1
(d) b =2
Ans. (b)
Sol. For fixed points,
(x + 1)(x2 – b2) = 0
f = – (x+ 1) (x2 – b2)
At x = –1
At x = +b
At x = –b
For stable fixed point
For unstable fixed point
Obviously for b > 1, we get from equations (ii) and (iii)
48. A charge (–e) is placed in vacuum at the point (d, 0, 0), where d > 0. The region x < 0 is filled uniformly with a metal. The electric field at the point is
Ans. (b)
49. An electron is in the ground state of a hydrogen atom. The probability that it is within the Bohr radius is approximately equal to
(a) 0.60
(b) 0.90
(c) 0.16
(d) 0.32
Ans. (d)
Sol. Probability that the electron will be within the Bohr radius
50. A beam of light of frequency is reflected from a dielectric-metal interface at normal incidence. The refractive index of the dielectric medium is n and that of the metal is n2 = n(1 + i
). If the beam is polarised parallel to the interface, then the phase change experienced by the light upon reflection is
Ans. (c)
51. The scattering amplitude f() for the potential
, where
and µ are positive constants, is given, in the Born approximation by
(in the following and
Ans. (a)
Sol. Given : (spherically symmetric potential).
Using First Born approximation,
Scattering amplitude
Using, Laplace transform of r sinbr i.e.
52. The ground state eigenfunction for the potential , where
is the delta function, is given by
, where A and
> 0 are constants. If a perturbation H' = bx2 is applied, the first order correction to the energy of the ground state will be
Ans. (d)
Sol. First order correction to ground state energy
53. A thin infinitely long solenoid placed along the z-axis contains a magnetic flux . Which of the following vector potentials corresponds to the magnetic field at an arbitrary point (x, y, z)?
Ans. (a)
Sol. Magnetic vector potential outside the solenoid is
54. The van der Waals equation of state for a gas is given by
where, P, V and T represent the pressure, volume and temperature respectively, and a and b are constant parameters. At the critical point, where all the roots of the above cubic equation are degenerate, the volume is given by
(d) 3b
Ans. (d)
Sol. The van der waals equation of state for a gas is
at critical point,
Vc = 3b
55. An electromagnetically-shielded room is designed so that a frequency = 107 rad/s the intensity of the external radiation that penerates the room is 1% of the incident radiation. If
is the conductivity of the shielding material, its minimum thickness should be (given that ln 10 = 2.3)
(a) 4.60 mm
(b) 2.30 mm
(c) 0.23 mm
(d) 0.46 mm
Ans. (b)
Sol. Electromagnetically shielded wave equation defined as
where, = skin depth, x = thickness
Intensity, (taking proportionality constant to be 1)
I = E2
According to question,