Previous Year Question Paper with Solution.
1. Which of the following cannot be the eigenvalues of a real 3 × 3 matrix
(a) 2i, 0, –2i
(b) 1, 1, 1
(d) i, 1, 0
Ans. (d)
Sol. If the matrix is real then the complex eigen values always occurs with its complex conjugate. In option (d) if i is an eigen value then –i must also be an eigen value. But –i is not given in option, hence option (d) is incorrect.
2. Let u(x, y) = eax cos (by) be the real part of a function f(z) = u(x, y) + iv(x, y) of the complex variable z = x + iy, where a, b are real constants and . The function f(z) is complex analytic everywhere in the complex plane if and only if
(a) b = 0
(b) b = +a
Ans. (b)
Sol. The function f(z) will be analytic everywhere in the complex plane if and only if it satisfies the Cauchy Riemann equation in that region.
From equation (i)
Differentiating partially with x gives
From equation (iii) and (iv)
3. The integral along the closed contour
shown in the figure is
(a) 0
Ans. (c)
4. The function y(x) satisfies the differential equation . If y(1) = 1, the value of y(2) is
(b) 1
(c) 1/2
(d) 1/4
Ans. (d)
Sol. The given differential equation can be written as
This is a linear differential equation with Integrating factor
5. The random variable is distributed according to the normal distribution
. The probability density of the random variable y = x2 is
Ans. (a)
6. The Hamiltonian for a system described by the generalized coordinate x and generalised momentum p is
where and
are constants. The corresponding Lagrangian is
Ans. (a)
We know that
We know that
Eq. (1), (2) put in Eq. (4)
Eq. (3) put in Eq. (5)
7. An inertial observer sees two events E1 and E2 happening at the same location but 6 µs apart in time. Another observer moving with a constant velocity v (with respect to the first one) sees the same events to be 9 µs apart. The spatial distance between the events, as measured by the second observer, is approximately
(a) 300 m
(b) 1000 m
(c) 2000 m
(d) 2700 m
Ans. (c)
Sol. The position of two events with respect to S frame are (x1, y1, z1, t1) and (x1, y1, z1, t2)
The position of two events with respect to S' frame are
8. A ball weighing 100 gm, released from a height of 5 m, bounces perfectly elastically off a plate. The collision time between the ball and the plate is 0.5 s. The average force on the plate is approximately
(a) 3 N
(b) 2 N
(c) 5 N
(d) 4 N
Ans. (c)
Sol. The velocity of ball before collision with plate is
The change in momentum due to collision is = 10 × 0.1 – (–10 × 0.1) = 2 kg-m/sec
So, the average force on the plate is
= Force due to change in momentum + force due to weight
9. A solid vertical rod, of length L and cross-sectional area A, is made of a material of Young's modulus Y. The rod is loaded with a mass M, and, as a result, extends by a small amount in the equilibrium condition. The mass is then suddenly reduced to M/2. As a result the rod will undergo longitudinal oscillation with an angular frequency
Ans. (a)
Sol. According to Hooke's law,
10. If the root-mean-squared momentum of a particle in the ground state of a one-dimensional simple harmonic potential is p0, then its root-mean-squared momentum in the first excited state is
Ans. (b)
Sol. Root-mean square momentum of nth state of one dimensional harmonic potential is given by
So, R.M.S. momentum of ground state
So, R.M.S. momentum of first excited state
11. Consider a potential barrier A of height V0 and width b, and another potential barrier B of height 2V0 and the same width b. The ratio TA/TB of tunnelling probabilities TA and TB, through barriers A and B respectively, for a particle of energy V0/100, is best approximated by
Ans. (a)
Sol. Since, the energy of the particle, very less than the potential barrier. So, tunnelling probabilities can be written as
12. A constant perturbation H' is applied to a system for time leading to a transition from a state with energy Ei to another with energy Ef. If the time of application is doubled, the probability of transition will be
(a) unchanged
(b) doubled
(c) quadrupled
(d) halved
Ans. (c)
Sol. Transition probability for due to the presence of time-dependent parturbation VP(t'), is
For a constant perturbation H' applied to a system for time
For a transition from the state with energy Ei to a state with energy constant.
For small
Therefore, transition probability
Since, , therefore, if the time of application is doubled, then the transition probability will be quadrupled i.e. 4 times.
13. The two vectors are orthonormal if
Ans. (c)
Sol. The given two vectors are
According to normalized condition,
14. Two long hollow co-axial conducting cylinders of radii R1 and R2 (R1 < R2) are placed in vaccum as shown in the figure below.
The inner cylinder carries a charge per unit length and the outer cylinder carries a charge
per unit length. The electrostatic energy per unit length of this system is
Ans. (c)
Sol. Electrostatic energy of a capacitor
15. A set of N concentric circular loops of wire, each carrying a steady current I in the same direction, is arranged in a plane. The radius of the first loop is r1 = a and the radius of the nth loop is given by rn = n rn – 1. The magnitude B of the magnetic field at the centre of the circles in the limit N → , is
Ans. (d)
Sol. Magnetic field at the center is given by
16. An electromagnetic wave (of wavelength in free space) travels through an absorbing medium with dielectric permittivity given by
. If the skin depth is
, the ratio of the amplitude of electric field E to that of the magnetic field B, in the medium (in ohms) is
(b) 377
Ans. (d)
We know that,
k = nk0
We know that,
Again, we know that,
17. The vector potential (where a and k are constants) corresponding to an electromagnetic field is changed to
. This will be a gauge transformation if the corresponding change
in the scalar potential is
(a) akr2e–at
(b) 2akr2e–at
(c) –akr2e–at
(d) –2akr2e–at
Ans. (c)
Sol. According to gauge transformation
18. A thermodynamic function
G(T, P, N) = U – TS + PV
is given in terms of the internal energy U, temperature T, entropy S, pressure P, volume V and the number of particles N. Which of the following relations is true? (In the following µ is the chemical potential.)
Ans. (a)
Sol. Given: G(T, P, N) = U – TS + PV
DG = dU – TdS – SdT + PdV + VdP
where, dU = TdS – PdV + µdN
dG = µdN – SdT + VdP
19. A box, separated by a movable wall, has two compartments filled by a monoatomic gas of . Initially the volumes of the two compartments are equal, but the pressures are 3P0 and P0, respectively. When the wall is allowed to move, the final pressures in the two compartments become equal. The final pressure is
Ans. (c)
Using adiabatic equation for compartment I, we have
Similarly, for compartment II, we have
From the above figure,
V1 + V2 = 2V0
Now adding (1) and (2), we get
20. A gas of photons inside a cavity of volume V is in equilibrium at temperature T. If the temperature of the cavity is changed to 2T, the radiation pressure will change by a factor of
(a) 2
(b) 16
(c) 8
(d) 4
Ans. (b)
Sol. For a gas of photons inside a cavity,
21. In a thermodynamic system in equilibrium, each molecule can exist in three possible states with probabilities 1/2, 1/3 and 1/6 respectively. The entropy per molecule is
(a) kB ln 3
Ans. (c)
Sol. The entropy per molecule is defined as
22. In the n-channel JFET shown in figure below, Vi = –2V, C = 10 pF, VDD = +16V, and .
If the drain D-source S saturation current IDSS is 10 mA and the pinch-off voltage Vi, is –8V, then the voltage across points D and S is
(a) 11.125 V
(b) 10.375 V
(c) 5.75 V
(d) 4.75 V
Ans. (d)
Sol. Vi = –2 volt
VDD = 16 volt
IDSS = maximum drain current = 10 mA
VP = –8 (pinch off voltage)
To - calculate voltage (OR) Resistance value we apply DC - Analysis:
DC - Analysis means f = 0,
Open-circuit capacitor
Drawing circuit, making capacitor open circuit.
VGS = –2 volt
VS = 0
ID = 5.625 mA
KVL at output, 16 = 2×ID + VDS
Put ID, VDS = 16 – 2 × 5.625
VDS = 4.75 volt
23. The gain of the circuit given below is .
The modification in the circuit required to introduce a dc feedback is to add a resistor
(a) between a and b
(b) between positive terminal of the op-amp and ground
(c) in series with C
(d) parallel to C
Ans. (d)
Sol. Gain of circuit
"–" sign due to in verting op-amp.
Converting circuit to a practical integrator, connecting "Resistor" parallel to capacitor
Concept: Given circuit is idela LPF/Integrator
if we connect "R" in parallel to "Capacitor" it becomes practical integrator with gain
sign due to inverting OPAMP.
24. A 2 × 4 decoder with an enable input can function as a
(a) 4 × 1 multiplexer
(b) 1 × 4 demultiplexer
(c) 4 × 2 encoder
(d) 4 × 2 priority encoder
Ans. (b)
Sol. 2 × 4, Decoder
Enable – input means inverter/NOT gate
Decoder = n × 2n
If we are considering input as selection line
Format DEMUX/demultiplexer
Above - CKT is 1 × 4 Demux
25. The experimentally measured values of the variables x and y are 2.00 +0.05 and 3.00 +0.02, respectively. What is the error in the calculated value of z = 3y – 2x from the measurements?
(a) 0.12
(b) 0.05
(c) 0.03
(d) 0.07
Ans. (a)
Sol. z = 3y – 2x
26. The Green's function satisfying with the boundary conditions g(–L, x0) = 0 = g(L, x0), is
Ans. (a)
boundary conditions:
g(–L, x0) = 0 = g(L, x0)
The homogeneous equation for Green's function is
Solution of above equation is
Applying boundary condition
From continuity of Green's function at x = x0 we have
A(x0 + L) = C(x0 – L)
From discontinuity of derivative of Green's function
We have
Thus, the required solution of Green's function is given by
27. Let be the Pauli matrices and
Then the coordinates are related as follows
Ans. (b)
28. The interval [0, 1] is divided into 2n parts of equal length to calculate the integral using Simpson's
rule. What is the minimum value of n for the result to be exact?
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
Ans. (b)
Sol. Exact Method:
Simpson's 1/3rd rul: (Taking n = 2, 2n = 4)
Length of sub-intervals,
29. Which of the following sets of 3 × 3 matrices (in which a and b are real numbers) form a group under matrix multiplication?
Ans. (c)
Sol. In order to form the group the required matrix must satisfy the following conditions.
(a) For any three matrices A(BC) = (AB)C
(b) There must exist an identity element I such that AI = IA = A
(c) There must exist an inverse element for each element belonging to G.
(d) For any two matrices , the matrix AB
G (closer property).
All the given matrices satisfy property (a), if we put a = 0 and b = 0, we see that property (b) also holds for all the given matrices.
If we put a = 1 and b = 1, in option (a), two rows becomes identical and matrix in option (a) is non-invertible. If we put a = 1 and b = 1, in option (d), two rows becomes identical and the matrix is non-invertible.
Now only option (b) and (c) remains. For option (b) take two matrices and multiply
we see that the resulting matrix does not satisfy closure property. For option (3) take two matrices and multiply
we see that the resulting matrix satisfy the closure property. Hence the correct option is (c)
30. The Lagrangian of a free relativistic particle (in one dimension) of mass m is given by where
. If such a particle is acted upon by a constant force in the direction of its motion, the phase space trajectories obtained from the corresponding Hamiltonian are
(a) ellipses
(b) cycloids
(c) hyperbolas
(d) parabolas
Ans. (c)
Corresponding Hamiltonian is
This is equation of hyperbola in x-px plane.
31. A Hamiltonian system is described by the canonical coordinate q and canonical momentum p. A new coordinate Q is defined as , where t is the time and
is a constant, that is, the new coordinate is a combination of the old coordinate and momentum at a shifted time. The new canonical momentum P(t) can be expressed as
Ans. (d)
Sol. In canonical transformation coordinate and momenta at one instant of time are transformed into new coordinate and momenta Further, if q, p Q, P be a cannonical transformation then Poisson bracket
This condition is satisfied only if we take
32. The energy of a one-dimensional system, governed by the Lagrangian
where k and n are two positive constants, is E0. The time period of oscillation satisfies
Ans. (b)
Total energy
E = T + V ... (2)
Eq. (1) put in Eq. (2)
Eq. (4) put in Eq. (1)
Eq. (4), (5) put in Eq. (3)
33. An electron is decelerated at a constant rate starting from an initial velocity u (where u << c) to u/2 during which it travels a distance s. The amount of energy lost to radiation is
Ans. (d)
Sol. Radiative power due to accelerated charge particle
The fraction of energy loss due to radiation
34. The figure below describes the arrangement of slits and screens in a Young's double slit experiment. The width of the slit in S1 is a and the slits in S2 are of negligible width.
If the wavelength of the light is , the value of d for which the screen would be dark is
Ans. (b)
Sol. The screen will be dark if both the points A and B is dark.
35. A constant current I is flowing in a piece of wire that is bent into a loop as shown in the figure.
The magnitude of the magnetic field at the point O is
Ans. (b)
So total magnetic field
36. Consider the potential
where are the position vectors of the vertices of a cube of length a centered at the origin and V0 is a constant. If
, the total scattering cross-section, in the low-energy limit, is
Ans. (c)
Scattering amplitude :
37. The Coulomb potential V(r) = –e2/r of a hydrogen atom is perturbed by adding H' = bx2 (where b is a constant) to the Hamiltonian. The first order correction to the ground state energy is (The ground state wavefunction is .)
Ans. (b)
Sol. The first order energy correction term of the ground state is given by
38. Using the trial function
the ground state energy of a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator is
Ans. (b)
Sol. We have trial function,
According to normalized condition
The energy is given by
Therefore, ground state energy,
39. In the usual notation for the states of a hydrogen like atom, consider the spontaneous transitions
. If t1 and t2 are the lifetimes of the first and the second decaying states respectively, then the ratio
is proportional to
Ans. (a)
Sol. Rate of spontaneous emission (in dipole approx.)
= fine structure constant
Mean lifetime of the decaying state is
Note: There is no need of solving the integration for part as values of
for the initial and final state are same for both transitions
40. A random variable n obeys Poisson statistics. The probability of finding n = 0 is 10–6. The expectation value of n is nearest to
(a) 14
(b) 106
(c) e
(d) 102
Ans. (a)
Sol. In Poisson's statistics the probability of finding the value n is given by
The mean of Poisson's statistics is µ. From the question
Talking Log of both sides,
Hence the expectation value of n is
41. The single particle energy levels of a non-interacting three-dimensional isotropic system, labelled by momentum k, are proportional to k3. The ratio of the average pressure
to the energy density at a fixed temperature, is
(a) 1/3
(b) 2/3
(c) 1
(d) 3
Ans. (c)
Sol. If the energy is proportional to nth power of momentum k, i.e.
Then, where, E is the energy and
is the energy density
Since, (given), n = 3
42. The Hamiltonian for three using spins S0, S1 and S2, taking value , is
If the system is in equilibrium at temperature T, the average energy of the system, in terms of , is
Ans. (d)
Sol. The hamiltonian is,
H = – jS0 (S1 + S2); S0, S1, S2 = + 1
The possible values of Hamiltonian are
The average energy is,
43. Let I0 be the saturation current, the ideality factor and vF and vR the forward and reverse potentials, respectively, for a diode. The ratio RR/RF of its reverse and forward resistances RR and RF respectively, varies as (In the following kB is the Boltzmann constant, T is the absolute temperature and q is the charge.)
Ans. (b)
44. In the figures below, X and Y are one bit inputs. The circuit which corresponds to a one bit comparator is
Ans. (c)
Sol. Given 1-bit comparator.
The circuit is satisfying above truth table
45. Both the data points and a linear fit to the current vs voltage of a resistor are shown in the graph below.
If the error in the slope is , then the value of resistance estimated from the graph is
Ans. (b)
Sol. According to Ohm's law:
Let S is the slope of given graph
46. In the following operational amplifier circuit Cin = 10 nF, Rin = 20 k, RF = 200 k
and CF = 100 pF.
The magnitude of the gain at a input signal frequency of 16 kHz is
(a) 67
(b) 0.15
(c) 0.3
(d) 3.5
Ans. (d)
Magnitude = 20024.72
Magnitude = 89064.199
Go for nearest value
All options are incorrect
47. An atomic spectral line is observed to split into nine components due to Zeeman shift. If the upper state of the atom is 3D2 then the lower state will be
(a) 3F2
(b) 3F1
(c) 3P1
(d) 3P2
Ans. (c)
Sol. The upper state term is 3P2, that is J = 2 and MJ = – 2, –1, 0, 1, 2
There are 9 Zeeman transition, accoding to the selection rule
The lower state must split into three components, i.e.,
MJ = 1, 0, –1 J = 1
the multiplicity selection rule, = 0 demands the lower state term also, to be a triplet that is, S =1.
The value J = 1 and S = 1 lead L = 1 i.e. lower state is 3P1.
48. If the coefficient of stimulated emission for a particular transition is 2.1 × 1019 m3 W–1s–3 and the emitted photon is at wavelength 3000 Å, then the lifetime of the excited state is approximately
(a) 20 ns
(b) 40 ns
(c) 80 ns
(d) 100 ns
Ans. (c)
Sol. We know that,
where, A21 = Einstein coefficient of spontaneous emission of radiation
B21 = Einstein constant of stimulated emission radiation
Also, spontaneous life time of the upper level is
Relation between Einstein coefficient is
49. If the binding energies of the electron in the K and L shells of silver atom are 25.4 keV and 3.34 keV, respectively, then the kinetic energy of the Auger electron will be approximately
(a) 22 keV
(b) 9.3 keV
(c) 10.5 keV
(d) 18.7 keV
Ans. (d)
Sol. The kinetic energy of the Auger electron will be
K.E. = (EK – EL) – EL = [(25.4 – 3.34)] KeV = 18.7 KeV
50. The energy gap and lattice constant of an indirect band gap semiconductor are 1.875 eV 0.52 nm, respectively. For simplicity take the dielectric constant of the material to be unity. When it is excited by broadband radiation, an electron initially in the valence band at k = 0 makes a transition to the conduction band. The wave vector of the electron in the conduction band, in terms of the wave vector kmax at the edge of the Brillouin zone, after the transition is closest to
(a) kmax/10
(b) kmax/100
(c) kmax/1000
(d) 0
Ans. (c)
Sol. We know that the kmax in 3D solid is given by
And the wave vector of electron,
51. The electrical conductivity of copper is approximately 95% of the electrical conductivity of silver, while the electron density in silver is approximately 70% of the electron density in copper. In Drude's model, the approximate ratio of the mean collision time in copper (τCu) to the mean collision time in silver
(a) 0.44
(b) 1.50
(c) 0.33
(d) 0.66
Ans. (d)
Sol. According to the Drude-Model, the conductivity
Therefore, the mean collision time,
= conductivity and n = electron density
nAg = 70% of nCu = 0.70 nCu
52. The charge distribution inside a material of conductivity and permittivity
at initial time t = 0 is
, a constant. At subsequent times
is given by
Ans. (a)
Sol. We know equation of continuity
53. If in a spontaneous -decay of
at rest, the total energy released in the reaction is Q, then the energy carried by the
-particle is
(a) 57Q/58
(b) Q/57
(c) Q/58
(d) 23Q/58
Ans. (a)
Sol. In spontaneous -decay
Here, A = 232, atomic mass number
54. The range of the nuclear force between two nucleons due to the exchange of points is 1.40 fm. If the mass of the pion is 140 MeV/c2 and the mass of the rho-meson is 770 MeV/c2, then the range of the force due to exchange of rho-mesons is
(a) 1.40 fm
(b) 7.70 fm
(c) 0.25 fm
(d) 0.18 fm
Ans. (c)
55. A baryon X decays by strong interaction as , where
is a member of the isotriplet
. The third component I3 of the isospin of X is
(a) 0
(b) 1/2
(c) 1
(d) 3/2
Ans. (a)