Previous Year Question Paper with Solution.
1. Consider the differential equation with the initial condition y(0) = 0. Then the Laplace transform Y(s) of the solution y(t) is
Ans. (a)
Sol. Given
Taking Laplace transform of both sides
We obtain
Since, y(0) = 0, we obtain
2. Consider the matrix equation
The condition for existence of a non-trivial solution, and the corresponding normalised solution (upto a sign) is
Ans. (d)
Sol. We know that the matrix equation, AX = 0, where A is the given matrix and X is a column vector has a non-zero solution if and only if |A| = 0
we do not need to perform further calculation.
3. Consider the real function f(x) = 1/(x2 + 4). The Taylor expansion of f(x) about x = 0 converges
(a) for all values of x
(b) for all values of x except x = +2
(c) in the region –2 < x < 2
(d) for x > 2 and x < –2
Ans. (c)
Thus the Taylor's series of f(x) is times the binomial series of
Now, the binomial series converges if
Since |x| + 2 is always greater than 0,
4. Let A be a non-singular 3 × 3 matrix, the columns of which are denoted by the vectors and
, respectively. Similarly,
denote the vectors that form the corresponding columns of (AT)–1. Which of the following is true?
Ans. (c)
Sol. We can take any 3 × 3 non singular matrix in order to avoid long calculation.
We see that
5. The number of linearly independent power series solutions, around x = 0, of the second order linear differential equation , is
(a) 0 (this equation does not have a power series solution)
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 3
Ans. (c)
Similar to the form Bessel D.E. (n = 0)
The given differential equation will have two linearly independent power series solution i.e.
6. A disc of mass m is free to rotate in a plane parallel to the xy plane with an angular velocity about a massless rigid rod suspended from the roof of a stationary car (as shown in the figure below). The rod is free to orient itself along any direction.
The car accelerates in the positive x-direction with an acceleration a > 0. Which of the following statements is true for the coordinates of the centre of mass of the disc in the reference frame of the car?
(a) only the x and the z coordinates change
(b) only the y and the z coordinates change
(c) only the x and the y coordinates change
(d) all the three coordinates change
Ans. (d)
Sol. Initial torque on the disc
Since, the disc has angular momentum, it will move in y-direction.
So, that change in angular momentum occurs in y-direction due to initial torque.
After a litte later,
Since. torque is in all directions, therefore disc will move in all direction. So all cordinates will change.
7. A cyclist, weighing a total of 80 kg with the bicycle, pedals at a speed of 10 m/s. She stops pedalling at an instant which is taken to be t = 0. Due to the velocity dependent frictional force, her velocity is found to very as , where t is measured in seconds. When the velocity drops to 8 m/s, she starts pedalling again to maintain a constant speed. The energy expended by her in 1 minute at this (new) speed, is
(a) 4 kJ
(b) 8 kJ
(c) 16 kJ
(d) 32 kJ
Ans. (b)
Sol. m = 80 kg, vi = 10 m/s
When velocity is 8 m/s
Force at the moment, when velocity is 8 m/s
To maintain constant speed, the cyclist must apply the this much force
Therefore, power applied
Energy expended in one minute
8. A light signal travels from a point A to a point B, both within a glass slab that is moving with uniform velocity (in the same direction as the light) with speed 0.3c with respect to an external observer. If the refractive index of the slab is 1.5, then the observer will measure the speed of the signal as
(a) 0.67c
(b) 0.81c
(c) 0.97c
(d) c
Ans. (b)
9. A monoatomic gas of volume V is in equilibrium in a uniform vertical cylinder, the lower end of which is closed by a rigid wall and the other by a frictionless piston. The piston is pressed lightly and released. Assume that the gas is a poor conductor of heat and the cylinder and piston are perfectly insulating. If the cross-sectional area of the cylinder is A, the angular frequency of small oscillations of the piston about the point of equilibrium, is
Ans. (a)
Sol. Piston at equilibrium position
mg = PA …(1)
For adiabatic process
If x be displacement of piston from equilibrium position, dV = Ax
Restoring force,
10. The normalized wavefunction of a particle in three dimensions is given by , where a > 0 is a constant. The ratio of the most probable distance from the origin to the mean distance from the origin, is. [You may use
(a) 1/3
(b) 1/2
(c) 3/2
(d) 2/3
Ans. (d)
Radial probability density,
At most probable radial distance rmp,
11. The state vector of a one-dimensional simple harmonic oscillator of angular frequency , at time to = 0, is given by
, where
are the normalized ground state and the second excited state, respectively. The minimum time t after which the state vector
is orthogonal to
, is
Ans. (a)
12. The normalized wavefunction in the momentum space of a particle in one dimension is , where
are real constants. The uncertainty
in measuring its position is
Ans. (c)
Sol. We can easily solve the question using dimension analysis.
Given : Momentum space between wave function,
Dimension of p = Dimension of
13. Let x denote the position operator and p the canonically conjugate momentum operator of a particle. The commutator , where
are constants, is zero if
Ans. (a)
14. Two point charges +3Q and –Q are placed at (0, 0, d) and (0, 0, 2d), respectively, above an infinite grounded conducting sheet kept in the xy plane. At a point (0, 0, z), where z >> d, the electrostatic potential of this charge configuration would approximately be
Ans. (b)
Sol. The electrostatic potential at (0, 0, z)
15. A rectangular piece of dielectric material is inserted partially into the (air) gap between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor. The dielectric piece will
(a) remain stationary where it is placed
(b) be pushed out from the gap between the plates
(c) be drawn inside the gap between the plates and its velocity does not change sign
(d) execute an oscillatory motion in the region between the plates
Ans. (d)
Sol. The capacitor has width a and length l.
The combined capacitance of the capacitor is
Therefore, the electrostatic potential energy of the system is
Therefore, the force on the dielectric slab is
Therefore, the force on the slab will be inwards and when it reaches at the other end the force on it will be opposite direction. So, slab will execute oscillations.
16. An electromagnetic wave is travelling in free space (of permittivity ) with electric field
The average power (per unit area) crossing planes parallel to 4x + 3y = 0 will be
Ans. (a)
Now, the pointing vector,
Therefore, the average power per unit area crossing planes parallel to 4x + 3y = 0 is
17. A plane electromagnetic wave from within a dielectric medium (with and
) is incident on its boundary with air, at z = 0. The magnetic field in the medium is
, where
and k are positive constants.
The angles of reflection and refraction are, respectively,
(a) 45º and 60º
(b) 30º and 90º
(c) 30º and 60º
(d) 60º and 90º
Ans. (b)
18. The dispersion relation of a gas of spin fermions in two dimensions is
, where E is the energy,
is the wave vector and v is a constant with the dimension of velocity. If the Fermi energy at zero temperature is
, the number of particles per unit area is
Ans. (d)
The total number of particle is
At zero temperature (T = 0K), we have
Therefore, the number of particles per unit area is
19. The relation between the internal energy U, entropy S, temperature T, pressure p, volume V, chemical potential µ and number of particles N of a thermodynamic system is dU = TdS – pdV + µdN. That U is an exact differential implies that
Ans. (a)
Sol. Given dU = TdS – pdV + µdN
Since, dU is an exact different, we have
20. The number of microstates of a gas of N particles in a volume V and of internal energy U, is given by
(where a and b are positive constants). Its pressure P, volume V and temperature T, are related by
(c) PV = NkBT
(d) P(V – Nb) = NkBT
Ans. (d)
The Boltzmann's entropy is
For combined I and II low of thermodynamics, we have
TdS = dU + PdV – µdN
21. Consider a system of identical atoms in equilibrium with blackbody radiation in a cavity at temperature T. The equilibrium probabilities for each atom being in the ground state and an excited state
are P0 and P1, respectively. Let n be the average number of photons in a mode in the cavity that causes transition between the two states. Let
denote, respectively, the squares of the matrix elements corresponding to the atomic transitions
. which of the following equations hold in equilibrium?
Ans. (d)
Sol. Here the transition will 3 different types:
1. Stimulated absorbtion transition: It depends on the number of atom in state , photon number inside the cavity and the square of the matrix elements. Therfore, the rate of transition of atom from
2. Simulated emission transition: It depends on the number of atom in state , photon number inside the vacity and the square of the matrix elements. Therfore, the rate of transition of atom from
3. Spontaneous emission transition: It does not depend on the number of photo inside the cavity. It depends on the number of atom in state and the square of the matrix elements. Therefore, the rate of transition of atom from
At equilibrium the rate of transition of atom to the is equal to
22. In the circuit below the voltages VBB and VCC are kept fixed, the voltage measured at B is a constant, but that measured at A fluctuates between a few µV to a few mV.
From these measurements it may be inferred that the
(a) base is open internally
(b) emitter is open internally
(c) collector resistor is open
(d) base resistor is open
Ans. (d)
Sol. The correct option is (d).
23. The full scale voltage of an n-bit Digital-to-Analog Converter is V. The resolution that can be achieved in it is
(a) V/(2n – 1)
(b) V/(2n + 1)
(c) V/22n
(d) V/n
Ans. (a)
n = number of bits.
24. The spring constant k, of a spring of mass ms, is determined experimentally by loading the spring with mass M and recording the time period T, for a single oscillation. If the experiment is carried out for different masses, then the graph that correctly represents the result is
Ans. (a)
Sol. If mass of the spring is ms and a block of mass M is attached with it. The equivalent mass of the system is equal to
Therefore, the time period of oscillation is given by
25. A Zener diode with an operating voltage of 10V at 25ºC has a positive temperature coefficient of 0.07% per ºC of the operating voltage. The operating voltage of this Zener diode at 125ºC is
(a) 12.0 V
(b) 11.7 V
(c) 10.7 V
(d) 9.3 V
Ans. (c)
Sol. Given, Vz = 10 volt
Therefore, the final zener voltage,
Fz final = Vz + = (10 + 0.7) volt = 10.7 volt
26. Consider an element of the group SU(2), where
is any one of the parameters of the group. Under an infinitesimal change
, it changes as
. To order
, the matrix
should always be
(a) positive definite
(b) real symmetric
(c) hermitian
(d) anti-hermitian
Ans. (d)
Here, m is one of the Pauli spin matrices, since Pauli matrices are hermitian,
taken complex conjugate, so matrix should anti-hermitian.
27. The differential equation , with the initial condition y(0) = 0, is solved using Euler's method. If yE(x) is the exact solution and yN(x) the numerical solution obtained using n steps of equal length, then the relative error
is proportional to
(a) 1/n2
(b) 1/n3
(c) 1/n4
(d) 1/n
Ans. (d)
Euler's method, yi = yi – 1 + hf (xi – 1, yi – 1)
Since, 0, 5, 14, 30, .... different from square terms
Ar, x0 = 0 x1 = x0 + h = h x2 = x0 + 2h = 2h x3 = x0 + 3h = 3h
xn – 1 = x0 + (n – 1)h = (n – 1)h. Now, xn = nh
28. The interval [0, 1] is divided into n parts of equal length to calculate the integral using the trapezoidal rule. The minimum value of n for which the result is exact, is
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
Ans. (a)
29. The generating function G(t, x) for the Legendre polynomials Pn(t) is
If the function f(x) is defined by the integral equation , it can be expressed as
Ans. (b)
Differentiating both sides,
30. A particle moves in one dimension in a potential where k and
are constants. Which of the following curves best describes the trajectories of this system in phase space?
Ans. (b)
Since, threre is minimum (potential well). So, motion can be bounded.
Therefore, phase spacae trajectory will be closed loop for energies less than the height of potential well. However for higher energies will not be closed loops.
Further, E = K.E. + P.E.
E = T + V(x)
T = E – V(x)
31. Let (x, p) be the generalized coordinate and momentum of a Hamiltonian system. If new variables (X, P) are defined by and
, where
are constants, then the conditions for it to be a canonical transformation, are
Ans. (c)
The transformation will be canonical if the Poisson bracket of X and P is equal to 1.
Therefore, [X, P]x, P = 1
Both satisfied simultaneously. But none of the given option satisfied the above two conditions simultaneously. However, only option (c) satifies = 1. So, it may be taken as correct option.
32. Consider a set of particles which interact by a pair potential V = ar6, where r is the inter-particle separation and a > 0 is a constant. If a system of such particles has reached virial equilibrium, the ratio of the kinetic to the total energy of the system is
(a) 1/2
(b) 1/3
(c) 3/4
(d) 2/3
Ans. (c)
Sol. Using virial theorem,
33. In an inertial frame S, the magnetic vector potential in a region of space is given by (where a is a constant) and the scalar potential is zero. The electric and magnetic fields seen by an inertial observer moving with a velocity with respect to S, are, respectively [In the following
Ans. (d)
We know that
According to Lorentz transformation,
E'x = Ex = 0 B'x = Bx = 0
34. In the rest frame S1 of a point particle with electric charge q1, another point particle with elecric charge q2 moves with a speed v parallel to the x-axis at a perpendicular distance l. The magnitude of the electromagnetic force felt by q1 due to q2 when the distance between them is minimum, is
[In the following .]
Ans. (b)
Sol. The electric field at O due to point charge q2 is
Therefore, the force left by the charge q1 is
35. A circular current carrying loop of radius a carries a steady current. A constant electric charge is kept at the centre of the loop. The electric and magnetic fields, and
respectively, at a distance d vertically above the centre of the loop satisfy
Ans. (d)
Sol. Electric and magnetic field along the axis
36. A phase shift of 340º is observed when a beam of particles of energy 0.1 MeV is scattered by a target. When the beam energy is changed, the observed phase shift is 60º. Assuming that only s-wave scattering is relevant and that the cross-section does not change with energy, the beam energy is
(a) 0.4 MeV
(b) 0.3 MeV
(c) 0.2 MeV
(d) 0.15 MeV
Ans. (b)
Sol. According to partial wave analysis, total cross-section is given as
Assuming that, only s-wave scattering is relevant, we obtain
As does not change with energy 'E', therefore,
37. The Hamiltonian of a two-level quantum system is . A possible initial state in which the probability of the system being in that quantum state does not change with time, is
Ans. (b)
Sol. The possible initial state in which probability of the systembeing in that quantum statesdoes not change with time, wll be eigenstate of the Hamiltonian H i.e.
38. Consider a one-dimensional infinite square well
If a perturbation
is applied, then the correction to the energy of the first excited state, to first order in is nearest to
(a) V0
(b) 0.16 V0
(c) 0.2 V0
(d) 0.33 V0
Ans. (d)
Sol. Unperturbed system: 1-D infinite potential well
First order correction to energy
Nearest answer is 0.33 Vo.
39. The energy eigenvalues En of a quantum system in the potential V = cx6 (where c > 0 is a constant), for large values of the quantum number n, varies as
(a) n4/3
(b) n3/2
(c) n5/4
(d) n6/5
Ans. (b)
Sol. According to WKB approximation,
40. Consider a quantum system of non-interacting bosons in contact with a particle bath. The probability of finding no particle in a given single particle quantum state is 10–6. The average number of particles in that state is of the order of
(a) 103
(b) 106
(c) 109
(d) 1012
Ans. (b)
Sol. foc () = the probability of occupancy = the average number of particles in a state
fun () = the probability of find in number of particles in a state = 10–6
The order of average number of particles in a state = (10–6 –1) ~ 106
41. A closed system having three non-degenerate energy levels with energies , is at temperature T. For
, the probability of finding the system in the state with energy E = 0, is
(a) 1/(1 + 2 cosh 2)
(b) 1/(2 cosh 2)
(d) 1/cosh 2
Ans. (a)
Sol. The probability of finding the system in the state with energy E = 0 is
42. Two non-degenerate energy levels with energies 0 and are occupied by N non-interacting particles at a temperature T. Using classical statistics, the average internal energy of the system is
Ans. (a)
Sol. The average internal energy of the system is
43. In the circuit below, D1 and D2 are two silicon diodes with the same characteristics.
If the forward voltage drop of a silicon diode is 0.7 V, then the value of the current is
(a) 18.6 mA
(b) 9.3 mA
(c) 13.95 mA
(d) 14.65 mA
Ans. (c)
Sol. Given D1 and D2
Two identical diotes
Vy(each) = 0.7 V
Equidistant figure
To find I1 + ID1 ?
I1 + ID2 + ID2
ID1 +ID2 = 465 mA
I1 + ID1 = 9.3 + 4.65 mA = 13.95 mA
44. The circuit below comprises of D-flip flops. The output is taken from Q3, Q2, Q1 and Q0, as shown in the figure.
The binary number given by the string Q3Q2Q1Q0 changes for every clock pulse that is applied to the CLK input. If the output is initialized at 0000, then the corresponding sequence of decimal numbers that repeats itself, is
(a) 3, 2, 1, 0
(b) 1, 3, 7, 14, 12, 8
(c) 1, 3, 7, 15, 12, 14, 0
(d) 1, 3, 7, 15, 14, 12, 8, 0
Ans. (d)
Sol. Note Its a 4-bit Johnson counter
45. Two physical quantities T and M are related by the equation , where a and b are constant parameters. The variation of T as a function of M was recorded in an experiment to determine the value of a graphically. Let m be the slope of the straight line when T2 is plotted vs M, and δm be the uncertainty in determining it. The uncertainty in determining a is
Ans. (a)
Sol. We have,
46. The sensitivity of a hot cathode pressure gauge is 10 mbar–1. If the ratio between the numbers of the impinging charged particles to emitted electrons is 1:10, then the pressure is
(a) 10 mbar
(b) 10–1 mbar
(c) 10–2 mbar
(d) 102 mbar
Ans. (c)
Sol. The pressure (P) of a hot cathode pressure gauge
where, i+ current due to impinging particles
i– current due to emitted electrons
c = sensitivity of gauge
47. The Zeeman shift of the energy of a state with quantum numbers L, S, J and mJ is
where B is the applied magnetic field, gS is the g-factor for the spin and µB/h = 1.4 MHz-G–1, where h is the Planck constant. The approximate frequency shift of the S = 0, L = 1 and mJ = 1 state, at a magnetic field of 1 G, is
(a) 10 MHz
(b) 1.4 MHz
(c) 5 MHz
(d) 1.8 MHz
Ans. (b)
Sol. In Anomalous zeeman effect
48. The separations between the adjacent levels of a normal multiplet are found to be 22 cm–1 and 33 cm–1. Assume that the multiplet is described well by the L-S coupling scheme and the Lande's interval rule, namely E(J) – E(J –1) = AJ, where A is a constant. The term notations for this multiplet is
(a) 3P0, 1, 2
(b) 3F2, 3, 4
(c) 3G3, 4, 5
(d) 3D1, 2, 3
Ans. (d)
Sol. By Lande Interval Rule E(J) – E(J – 1) = AJ i.e. proportional to higher J.
Seperation between adjacement laves are 22 cm–1 and 33 cm–1, i.e. their ratio
The ratio is given by option (d) i.e. 3D1, 2, 3 as seperation between 3D1, 3D2 and 3D3 are in the ration 2 : 3(i.e. proportional to higher J).
49. If the fine structure splitting between the 22P3/2 and 22P1/2 levels in the hydrogen atom is 0.4 cm–1, the corresponding splitting in Li2+ will approximately by
(a) 1.2 cm–1
(b) 10.8 cm–1
(c) 32.4 cm–1
(d) 36.8 cm–1
Ans. (c)
Sol. Fine structure splitting is proportional to Z4 i.e. . Nowfor H, Z = 1 and for Li++, Z = 3.
50. A crystal of MnO has NaCl structure. It has a paramagnetic to anti-ferromagnetic transition at 120K. Below 120 K, the spins within a single [111] plane are parallel but the spins in adjacent [111] planes are antiparallel. If neutron scattering is used to determine the lattice constants, respectively, d and , below and above the transition temperature of MnO then
(a) d = d'/2
(c) d = 2d'
Ans. (c)
Sol. MnO has NaCl type structure which is paramagnetic at room temperature
Tc = 1200 K
T < Tc Antiferromagnetic (ordered)
T > Tc Paramagentic (disorderd)
[111] plane.
Lattice constant,
The distortion below, Tc = 120 K is apparently an exchange striction which compress the crystal along , increasing the nearest nieghbour and decreasing the next nearest neigherbour distances. In antiferromagnetic state
the lattice parameter will be double paramagnetic state.
51. A metallic nanowire of length l is approximated as a one-dimensional lattice of N atoms with lattice spacing a. If the dispersion of electrons in the lattice is given as E(k) = E0 – 2t cos ka, where E0 and t are constants, then the density of states inside the nanowire depends on E as
Ans. (d)
Given : E(k) = E0 – 2t cos ka …(i)
The density of state is one-dimensional is
Also, the equation (i) gives, dE = 2 at sin kadk
Since, the number of atoms would be large in the nanowire, we have
52. Consider a two-dimensional material of length and width w subjected to a constant magnetic field B applied perpendicular to it. The number of charge carriers per unit area may be expressed as
, where k is a positive real number and q is the carrier charge. Then the Hall resistivity
Ans. (c)
Sol. Number of charge carrier per unit area,
Hall resistivity,
53. The spin-parity assignments for the ground and first excited states of the isotope , in the single particle shell model, are
(a) (1/2)– and (3/2)–
(b) (5/2)+ and (7/2)+
(c) (3/2)+ and (5/2)+
(d) (3/2)– and (5/2)–
Ans. (d)
N = 29: (1s1/2 )2 (1p3/2 )4 (1p1/2 )2 (1d5/2 )6 (2s1/2 )2 (1d3/2 )4 (1f7/2 )8 (2p3/2 )1for ground state
54. The first excited state of the rotational spectrum of the nucleus has an energy 45 keV above the ground state. The energy of the second excited state (in keV) is
(a) 150
(b) 120
(c) 90
(d) 60
Ans. (a)
Sol. Rotational energy,
For first excited stage J = 2
Therefore, for second excited state J = 4, energy is
55. Which of the following processes is not allowed by the strong interaction but is allowed by the weak interaction?
Ans. (a)
Since strangeness is not conserved, so it is neither no electromagntic
In weak interactions, involving strange particles = 1 or
= + 1 or –1. However, this does not necessarily hold in second order weak reactions, where there are mixes of K0 and
mesons. Since this reaction is second order weak recation involving mixes of K0 and
, thus
= 2 is allowed and it is a weak interaction.