Previous Year Question Paper with Solution.
1. Which of the following two physical quantities cannot be measured simultaneously with arbitrary accuracy for the motion of a quantum particle in three dimensions?
(a) square of the radial position and z-component and angular momentum (r2 and Lz)
(b) x-components of linear and angular momenta (px and Lx)
(c) y-component of position and z-component of angular momentum (y and Lx)
(d) squares of the magnitudes of the linear and angular momenta (p2 and L2)
Ans. (c)
Sol. The two physical quantities cannot be measured simultaneously with arbitrary accuracy in quantum mechanics whose commutator is not zero.
(a) [r2, Lz] = [x2 + y2 + z2, Lz]
= [x2, Lz] + [y2, Lz] + [z2, Lz]
= x[x, Lz] + [x, Lz]x + y[y, Lz] + [y, Lz]y
where, we have used
(b) [px, Lx] = [px, ypz, zpy]
= [px, ypz] – [px – zpy]
= y[px, pz] + [px, y]pz + z[px, pz] – [px, z]py
[px, Lx] = 0
where, we have used
[px, pz] = [px, y] = [px, z] = 0
= 0
where, we have used
[p, r] = 0
(d) [y, Lz] = [y1xpy – ypx]
= [y xpy] – [y1ypx]
= x[y1py] + [y1x]py – y[y1px] – [y1y]px
= x[y1py] + 0 + 0 + 0 =
where we have used
2. A particle in one dimension executes oscillatory motion in a potential V(x) = A|x|, where A > 0 is a constant of appropriate dimension. If the time period T of its oscillation depends on the total energy E as Ea, then the value of a is
(a) 1/3
(b) 1/2
(c) 2/3
(d) 3/4
Ans. (b)
Sol. Total energy
Action angle variable
J = x0E3/2
Time period
3. The components of the electric field, in a region of space devoid of any change or current sources, are given to be Ei = ai + bijxj, where ai and bij are constant independent of the coordinates. The number of independent components of the matrix bij is
(a) 5
(b) 6
(c) 3
(d) 4
Ans. (a)
This equation represents a set of three equations
Let E1 = Ex, E2 = Ey, E3 = Ez and x1 = x, x2 = y, x3 = z, (1) can be written as
Let's just look at the x-component (which will be equal to zero).
Similarly, we will get from 'y' and 'z' components
b13 = b31, b21 = b12
Thus, it means bij is symmetric. a symmetric matrix will have, 3 diagonal +3 off diagonal = 6 – independent components – (4)
Also, as the region is charge free, therefore
Putting this result in (5), we get
b11 + b22 + b33 = 0.
This implies that atleast one of the diagonal elements is dependent. Therefore, the total number of independent components = 6 – 1 = 5.
Therefore, (a) is correct option.
4. A particle of mass 1 GeV/c2 and its antiparticle, both moving with the same speed v, produce new particle x of mass 10 GeV/c2 in a head on collision. The minimum value of v required for this process is closest to
(a) 0.83c
(b) 0.93c
(c) 0.98c
(d) 0.88c
Ans. (c)
Conservation of energy
5. The position of a particle in one dimension changes in discrete steps. With each step it moves to the right, however, the length of the step is drawn from a uniform distribution from the interval , where
and w are positive constants. If X denotes the distance from the starting point after N steps, the standard deviation
for large values of N is
Ans. (d)
Sol. Correct option is (d).
6. The volume of the region common to the interiors of two infinitely long cylinders defined by x2 + y2 = 25 and x2 + 4z2 = 25 is best approximated by
(a) 225
(b) 333
(c) 423
(d) 625
Ans. (b)
In any of the above equations, 'x' varies from –5 to 5. Therefore, the volume bounded in the intersecting region is
7. The donor of an X-ray machine room is fitted with a sensor D (0 is open and 1 is closed). It is alos equipped with three fire sensors F1, F2 and F3 (each is 0 when disabled and 1 when enabled). The X-ray machine can operate only if the door is closed and at least 2 fire sensors are enabled. The logic circuit to ensure that the machine can be operated is
Ans. (a, b, d)
8. In the LCR circuit shown below, the resistance R = , the inductance L = 1/H and the capacitance C = 0.04 F.
If the input vin is a square wave of angular frequency 1 rad/s, the output vout is best approximated by a
(a) Square wave of angular frequency 1 rad/s
(b) Sine wave of angular frequency 1 rad/s
(c) Square wave of angular frequency 5 rad/s
(d) Sine wave of angular frequency 5 rad/s
Ans. (d)
Sol. vin = 1 rad/s, L = 1H, C = 0.04 F
Resonant angular frequency
Thus, for an input frequency of 1 rad/s (just like dc), the LC-circuit will oscillate in sinusoidal fashion (it can only oscillate harmonically), at 5 rad/s. Hence, (d) is the correct answer.
9. A monochromatic source emitting radiation with a certain frequency moves with a velocity v away from a stationary observer A. It is moving towards another observer B (also at rest) along a line joining the two. The frequencies of the radiation recorded by A and B are VA and VB, respectively. If the ratio , then the value of v/c is
(a) 1/2
(b) 1/4
(c) 3/4
Ans. (c)
10. A particle, thrown with a speed v from the earth's surface, attains a maximum height h (measured from the surface of the earth). If v is half the escape velocity and R denotes the radius of earth, then h/R is
(a) 2/3
(b) 1/3
(c) 1/4
(d) 1/2
Ans. (b)
Here M is the mass of the earth.
Conservation of mechanical energy
3R + 3h = 4R
3h = R
11. A particle of mass m is in a one dimensional infinite potential well of length L, extending from x = 0 to x = L. When it is in the energy Eigen-state labelled by n, (n = 1, 2, 3, ...) the probability of finding in the interval 0 < x < L/8 is 1/8. The minium value of n for which this is possible is
(a) 4
(b) 2
(c) 6
(d) 8
Ans. (a)
Sol. This problem is solved using the wavefunction
(a) The plot for between 0 < x < L is
The probability of finding the particle in region 0 < x < L/2 and L/2 < x < L is
(b) The plot for between 0 < x < L
The probability of finding the particle in region
(c) The plot for in region 0 < x < L is
The plot is divided in 6 equal region of
The probability of finding the particle in each of region is 1/6.
(d) The plot for between 0 < x < L is
The wave function is divided in 8 equal region of
The probability of finding the particle in each of these region is 1/8.
Thus, the value of n = 4, such that the probability of finding the particle in region .
12. In an experiment, the velocity of a non-relativistic neutron is determined by measuring the time (~ 50 ns) it takes to travel from the source to the detector kept at a distance L. Assume that the error in the measurement of L is negligibly small. If we want to estimate the kinetic energy T of the neutron to within 5% accuracy, i.e., < 0.05, the maximum permissible error
in measuring the time of flight is nearest to
(a) 1.75ns
(b) 0.75ns
(c) 2.25 ns
(d) 1.25ns
Ans. (d)
Sol. The correct option is (d).
13. The volume and temperature of a spherical cavity filled with black body radiation are V and 300K, respectively. If it expands adiabatically to a volume 2V, its temperature will be closest to
(a) 150 K
(b) 300 K
(c) 250 K
(d) 240 K
Ans. (d)
Sol. V1 = V, T1 = 300 K
V2 = 2V, T2 = ?
VT3 = constant
14. The ratio cp/cv of the specific heats at constant pressure and volume of a monatomic ideal gas in two dimensions is
(a) 3/2
(b) 2
(c) 5/3
(d) 5/2
Ans. (b)
Sol. For monoatomic ideal gas in 2D
U = NKT = nNAkT = nRT
15. The total number of phonon modes in a solid of volume V is , is the number of primitive cells,
is the Debye frequency and density of photon modes is g(
) = AV
2 (with A > 0 a constant). If the density of the solid doubles in a phase transition, the Debey temperature
(a) increase by a factor of 22/3
(b) increase by a factor of 21/3
(c) decrease by a factor of 22/3
(d) decrease by a factor of 21/3
Ans. (b)
Sol. Deby temperature is
Thus QD increases by a factor of 21/3.
16. A discrete random variable X takes a value from the set {–1, 0, 1, 2} with the corresponding probabilities p(X) = 3/10, 2/10, 2/10 and 3/10, respectively. The probability distribution q(Y) = [q(0), q(1), q(4)] of the random variable Y = X2 is
Ans. (b)
Sol. Given that,
X = {–1, 0, 1, 2};
X2 = {0, 1, 4}; p(X2) = {––, ––, – – –} = ?
For (X = –2 is not in the list),
Hence, (b) is correct option.
17. In an experiment to measure the charge to mass ratio e/m of the electron by Thomson's method, the values of the deflecting electric field and the accelerating potential are 6 × 106 N/C (newton per coulomb) and 150V, respectively. The magnitude of the magnetic field that leads to zero deflection of the electron beam is closest to
(a) 0.6 T
(b) 1.2 T
(c) 0.4 T
(d) 0.8 T
Ans. (d)
Sol. Let's determine the velocity of an electron accelerated to 150 V.
Using, the classical formula relating kinetic energy and accelerating potential, mv2 = eV
For zero deflection,
Thus, (d) is the correct option.
18. A two state system evolves under the action of the Hamiltonian H = where,
are its two orthonormal states. These states transform to one another under parity, i.e. P
and P
. If at time t = 0 the system is in a state of definited parity P =1, the earliest time t at which the probability of finding the system in a state of parity P = –1 is one is
Ans. (b)
Sol. The Hamiltonian for the two state system is given by
In matrix,
The energy eigenvalue for the system is given by
The eigenfunction of the system is given by
According to question, we have
Comparing coefficent of state and
, we get
Since both these conditions are same, we
Thus, the correct option is (b).
19. A conducting wire in the shape of a circle lies on the (x, y) plane with its centre at the origin. A bar magnet moves with a constant velocity towards the wire along the z-axis (as shown in the figure below)
We take t = 0 to be the instant at which the midpoint of the magnet is at the centre of the wire loop and the induced current to be positive when it is counter-clockwise as viewed by the observer facing the loop and the incoming magnet. In these conventions, the best schematic representation of the induced current I(t) as a function of t, is
Ans. (d)
Sol. As, north pole of the magnet moves towards the coil, the induced current must flow in a direction (clockwise as seen from right) to create north polarity on left. However, the current seen from right and flowing counterclockwise is to be considered positive. This
current will produce a south polarity on the left of the coil. Thus, as seen by an observer from right, the current must flow clockwise to produce a north polarity on left. This clockwise current will be negative. Thus, as the bar magnet approaches the coil, first induced current will be negative and after it is about to cross, induced current must be positive. Thus, option (d) should be the correct answer.
20. The vector potential for an almost point like magnetic dipole located at the origin is where
denote the spherical polar coordinates and
is the unit vector along
. A particle of mass m and charge q, moving in the equatorial plane of the dipole, starts at time = t = 0 with an initial speed v0 and an impact parameter b. Its instantaneous speed at the point of closest approach is
(a) v0
(b) 0/0
Ans. (a)
Sol. A static magnetic field does not alter the magnitude of speed of a charged particle. It only alters the direction of motion. Hence, its speed will be the same as the one it started with. (i.e., v0). Thus, (a) is the correct answer.
21. The equation of motion of a one-dimensional forced harmonic oscialltor in the presence of a dissipative force is described by +
+ 16x = 6te–8t + 4t2e–2t. The general form of the particular solution, in terms of constants A, B etc., is
(a) t(At2 + Bt + C)e–2t + (Dt + E)e–8t
(b) (At2 + Bt + C)e–2t + (Dt + E)e–8t
(c) t(At2 + Bt + C)e–2t + t(Dt + E)e–8t
(d) (At2 + Bt + C)e–2t + t(Dt + E)e–8t
Ans. (c)
Sol. Given differential equation +
+ 16x = 6te–8t + 4t2e–2t
Thus, the complementary function can be written as
ycf = ae–8t + be–2t ...(1)
The last terms in the above expression can be coupled with complementary function
Therefore, A' = t[Dt + E]e–8t ...(3)
The last terms in the above expression can be coupled with complementary function
Therefore, B' = t[At2 + BT + C]e–2t ...(4)
From (3) and (4)
PI = t[At2 + BT + C]e–2t + t[Dt + E]e–8t ...(5)
Thus, (c) is correct option.
22. The figures below depict three different wave functions of a particle confined to a one dimensional box –1 < x < 1
The wave function that correspond to the maximum expectation values (absolute value of the mean position) and
, respectively are
(a) B and C
(b) B and A
(c) C and B
(d) A and B
Ans. (a)
Sol. This problem is solved using properties :
(1) For a box of length –a < x < d, is always zero.
(2) For a 60x of length –a < x < d, is always non zero.
(3) The wavelength is of the form
= A(a2 – x2)
The normalised wave function is given by
The expectation value of is
Thus, a a = +1 curve would take maximum and minimum values.
For the curve given in the option (b) is non-zero.
For , the curve takes maximum and minimum value at a = +1 in the curve shown in option (c).
23. The Hamiltonian of a particle of mass m in one-dimension is H = p2 +
|x|3, where
> 0 is a constant. If E1 and E2 respectively, denote the ground state energies of the particle for
= 1 and
= 2 (in appropriate units) the ratio E2/E1 is best approximated by
(a) 1.260
(b) 1.414
(c) 1.516
(d) 1.320
Ans. (d)
Sol. Consider the potential of the particle of form
V(x) = |x|n
The ground state energy of the particle using with approximation depends on .
24. A generic 3 × 3 real matrix A has eigenvalues 0, 1 and 6 and I is the 3 × 3 identity matrix. The quantity/quantities that cannot be determined from this information is/are the
(a) eigenvalue of (I + A)–1
(b) eigenvalue of (I + ATA)
(c) determinant of ATA
(d) rank of A
Ans. (b)
Sol. Given Eigen values are = 0, 1, 6
Eigen values of I + A are = 1 + Eigen values of A
Therefore, Eigen values of (I + A)–1 are = 1,
Therefore, 'a' can be determined
|A| = 0 × 1× 6 = 0, |AT| = 0 × 1 × 6 = 0
Therefore, |AAT| = |A||AT| = 0
Thus, (c) can also be determined.
As one Eigen value is 0. Therefore, rank is 3 – 1 = 2. Hence, 'd' can also be determined.
Thus, 'b' cannot be determined. Hence, it is the correct answer.
25. The volume integral I = , is over a region V bounded by a surface
(an infinitesimal area element being
ds, where
is the outward unit normal). If it changes to I +
when the vector
is changed to
can be expressed as
Ans. (c)
Now, the curl of the gradient always vanishes
Therefore, the above equation becomes.
The first term in the above expression is just the I. Thus, we get
The second term vanishes again. Therefore, we get
Substituting, this result in (A), we get
Using, divergence theorem, we get
Thus, (c) is the correct option.
26. The Newton-Raphson method is to be used to determine the reciprocal of the number x = 4. If we start with the initial guess 0.20 then after the first iteration the reciprocal is
(a) 0.23
(b) 0.24
(c) 0.25
(d) 0.26
Ans. (b)
Sol. To find the inverse of 4, let
Thus, we need the solution of this equation after first iteration.
Starting point, x0 = 0.20
Hence, (b) is correct option.
27. A laser beam propagates from fiber 1 to fiber 2 in a cavity made up of two optical fibres (as shown in the figure). The loss factor of fiber 2 is 10 dB/km.
If E2(d) denotes the magnitude of the electric field in fiber 2 at a distance d from the interface, the ratio E2(0)/E2(d) for d = 10 km, is
(a) 102
(b) 103
(c) 105
(d) 107
Ans. (c)
Sol. The correct option is (c).
28. The fulcrum of a simple pendulum (consisting of a particle of mass m attached to the support by a massless string of length l) oscillates vertically as sin z (t) = a sine t, where
is a constant. The pendulum moves in a vertical plane and
denotes its angular position with respect to the z-axis.
If (where g is the acceleration due to gravity) describes the equation of motion of the mass, then f(t) is
Ans. (d)
Sol. The generalised coordinate is (lsinθ, –lcosθ + z)
Lagrangian is given by
In problem it is given by
29. The energies of a two-state quantum system are E0 and E0 + , (where
> 0 is a constant) and the corresponding normalized state vectors are
respective. At time t = 0, when the system is in the state
. the potential is altered by a time independent term V such that
The transition probability to the state
at times t
, is
Ans. (c)
Sol. The transmission probability to the state at time t is
30. The nuclei of 137Cs decay by the emission of -particles with a half-life of 30.08 years. The activity (in units of disintegrations per second or Bq) of a 1 mg source of 137Cs, prepared on January 1, 1980, as measured on January 1, 2021 is closest to
(a) 1.79 × 1016
(b) 1.79 × 109
(c) 1.24 × 1016
(d) 1.24 × 109
Ans. (d)
= 0.023 × 4.3 × 1018 × e–0.922 (Disintegration per year)
= 0.023 × 4.3 × × 1018 × 0.3977
= 0.0393 × 1018 (Disintegration per year)
= 1.24 × 109 (dps)
31. To measure the height h of a column of liquid helium in a container, a constant current I is sent through an NbTi wire of length l , as shown in the figure. The normal state resistance of the NbTi wire is.
If the superconducting transition temperature of NbTi is 10K, then the measured voltage V (h) is best described by the expression
Ans. (d)
Sol. Since the superconducting critical temperature for NOT is 30K, the partition of the wire immersed in the liquid Helium is in the superconducting state with zero resistance, while the partition above the liquid is in normal state with resistance R.
The resistance of the wire of length l is
V = 1R'
Thus correct answer is (d).
32. Diffuse hydrogen gas within a galaxy may be assumed to follow a Maxwell distribution at temperature 106 K, while the temperature appropriate for the H gas in the inter-galactic space, following the same distribution, may be taken to be 104 K. The ratio of thermal broadening of the Lyman-α line from the H-atoms within the galaxy to that from the inter-galactic space is closest to
(a) 100
(b) 1/100
(c) 10
(d) 1/10
Ans. (c)
Sol. The correct option is (c).
33. The dispersion relation of a gas of non-interacting bosons in d dimensions E(k) = aks where a and s are positive constants, Bose-Einstein condensation will occur for all values of
(a) d > s
(b) d + 2 > s > d – 2
(c) s > 2 independent of d
(d) d > 2 independent of s
Ans. (a)
Sol. Given the dispersion relation
E(k) = aks ...(1)
For a non-relative system in 3-D
In 2-D relativistic
34. A perfectly conducting fluid of permittivity and permeability µ flows with a uniform velocity
in the presence of time dependent electric and magnetic fields
, respectively, if there is a finite current density in the fluid, then
Ans. (a)
Sol. The generalised Ohm's law for conducting fluids is given by
If, there is no net current, = 0. Thus, the above equation becomes,
being common, cancel's out.
Taking curl of the above equation, we get
Thus, (a) is the correct answer.
35. The pressure of a gas in a vessel needs be maintained between 1.5 bar to 2.5 bar in an experiment. The vessel is fitted with a pressure transducer that generates 4 mA to 20 mA current for pressure in the range 1 bar to 5 bar. The current output of the transducer has a linear dependence on the pressure.
The reference voltage V1 and V2 in the comparators in the circuit (shown in figure above) suitable for the desired operating conditions are respectively
(a) 2V and 10V
(b) 2V and 5V
(c) 3V and 10V
(d) 3V and 5V
Ans. (d)
Sol. 4 mA to 20 mA current for pressure in the range 1 bar to 5 bar.
So 1 bar corresponds to 4 mA.
So 1.5 bar = 6 mA V1 = 6 mA × 500 = 3.0 V
So 2.5 bar = 10 mA V2 = 10 mA × 500 = 5.0 V
36. The energy levels of a non-degenerate quantum system are = nE0, where E0 is a constant and n = 1, 2, 3, ... . At a temperature T, the free energy F can be expressed in terms of the average energy E by
Ans. (c)
Now Helmholtz free energy
From (2) and (3)
37. A particle in two dimensions is found to trace an orbit r() = r0
2. If it is moving under the influence of a central potential V(r) = c1r–a + c2r–b, where r0, c1 and c2 are constants of appropriate dimensions, the values of a and b, respectively are
(a) 2 and 4
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 3 and 4
(d) 1 and 3
Ans. (b)
Differential equation of the orbit
f(r) = – Ar–4 – Br–3
where A and B are constants
V(r) = c1r–3 + c2r–2 = c1r–a + c2r–b
a = 3
b = 2
38. A particle of mas m moves in a potential that is V = in the coordinates of a non-inertial frame F. The frame F is rotating with respect to an inertial frame with an angular velocity
, where
it is the unit vector along their common z axis. The motion of the particles is unstable for all angular frequencies satisfying
Ans. (b)
Sol. The correct option is (b).
39. A 60Co nucleus -decays from its ground state with JP = 5+ to a state of 60Ni with JP = 4+. From the angular momentum selection rules, the allowed values of the orbital angular momentum L and the total spin S of the electron-antineutrino pair are
(a) L = 0 and S = 1
(b) L = 1 and S = 0
(c) L = 0 and S = 0
(d) L = 1 and S = 1
Ans. (a)
So, the given transition is allowed Gamow-Teller transition. So allowed values of the orbital angular momentum L and the total spin S of the electron-antineutrino pair are
L = 0 and S = 1
40. A satellite of mass m orbits around earth in an elliptic trajectory of semi-major axis a. At a radial distance r = r0, measured from the centre of the earth, the kinetic energy is equal to half the magnitude of the total energy. If M denotes the mass of the earth and the total energy is , the values of r0/a is nearest to
(a) 1.33
(b) 1.48
(c) 1.25
(d) 1.67
Ans. (a)
The potential energy at r = r0 will be
From Eqs. (1) and (2)
41. A particle of mass m in one dimension is in the ground state of a simple harmonic oscillator described by a Hamiltonian H = in the standard notation. An impulsive force at time to t = 0 suddenly imparts a momentum p0 =
to it. The probability that the particle remains in the original ground state is
(a) e–2
(b) e–3/2
(c) e–1
(d) e–1/2
Ans. (d)
Sol. The new state of the system is
In an expansion in the complete set of harmonic oscillator eigen function.
the coefficient
are the probability amplitudes for the system in the state Thus
Calculating the Guarian integral
Substituting value in expression of probability.
We get
where, we have used
42. A polymer, made up of N monomers, is in thermal equilibrium at temperature T. Each monomer could be of length a or 2a. The first contributes zero energy, while the second one contributes . The average length (in units of Na) of the polymer at temperature T =
/kB is
Ans. (d)
Sol. When length of monomer is
a, energy = 0
2a, energy =
43. The figure below shows an ideal capacitor consisting of two parallel circular plates of radius R. Points P1 and P2 are at a transverse distance, r1 > R from the line joining the centers of the plates, while points P3 and P4 are at a transverse distance r2 < R.
It B(x) denotes the magnitude of the magnetic fields at these points, which of the following holds while the capacitor is charging?
(a) B(P1) < B(P2) and B(P3) < B(P4)
(b) B(P1) > B(P2) and B(P3) > B(P4)
(c) B(P1) = B(P2) and B(P3) < B(P4)
(d) B(P1) = B(P2) and B(P3) > B(P4)
Ans. (c)
Magnetic field at P2 and P4 can be simply written using Ampere's law (as these points are outside the capacitor, therefore magnetic field only depends upon the magnitude of free current which is just I).
Thus, B2(r) = and B4(r) =
At P1 and P3, magnetic field depends upon displacement current.
Field at P1 :
The conduction current is zero. Further, note that the displacement current does not flow outside the plates, therefore r = R on R.H.S and r = r1 on L.H.S.
Thus, we get
Field at P3 :
Note that displacement current flowing through only r = r2 counts on R.H.S. Therefore, r = r2 on R.H.S. as well as on L.H.S.
Thus, we get
Comparing, B1 = B2
Thus (c) is the correct answer.
44. The state in the standard notation
of the H-atom in the non-relativistic theory decays to the state
via two dipole transition. The transition route and the corresponding probability are
Ans. (c)
Sol. For dipole transition,
For all options, n = 2, so l = 0, 1
The transitions for m = –1, 0, 1 are all valid according to the dipole transition rule. Thus, there are three different states through which the
state can decay to
each with equal probability. Hence each transition has a probability of 1/3. So, option (c) with probability 1/3 is correct.
45. Balls of ten different colours labeled by a = 1, 2, ..., 10 are to be distributed among different coloured boxes. A ball can only go in a box of the same colour and each box can contain at most one ball. Let na and Na denote respectively, the numbers of balls and boxes of colour a. Assuming that Na >> na >> 1, the total entropy (in units of the Boltzmann constant) can be best approximated by
Ans. (b)
Sol. Let n1 balls of colour 1 to be distributed in N1 boxes of colour 1
n2 balls of colour 2 to be distributed in N2 boxes of colour 2
n10 balls of colour 10 to be distributed in N10 boxes of colour 10
46. A linear diatomic molecule consists of two identical small electric dipoles with an equilibrium separation R, which is assumed to be a constant. Each dipole had charges +q of mass m separated by r when the molecule is at equilibrium. Each dipole can execute simple harmonic motion of angular frequency
Recall that the interaction potential between two dipoles of moments and
, separated by
Assume that R r and let
. The angular frequencies of small oscillations of the diatomic molecule are
Ans. (c)
Sol. We need to remember that for two coupled oscillators (two equal masses attached by a spring of force constant and attached to the walls from two sides with a spring of force constant k), the difference of squares of allowed frequency of oscillations is given by
The situation here is identical. The interaction energy of two dipoles which are parallel is given by (given in the statement of the problem and taking the angle between the parallel dipoles to be zero degree)
Therefore, substituting the value of force constant obtained above in the (1), we get
The value of is given in the statement of the problem. This is the difference expected in the two frequencies. If we look for this difference of frequencies in the given options, only (c) satisfies this criterion. Therefore, it is the correct option.
(a) 3/5
(b) 11/15
(c) 23/32
(d) 16/35
Ans. (d)
Sol. Let
4 + 2x – 3x2 + 4x3 = a0P0(x) + a1P1(x) + a2P2(x) + a3P3(x)
Comparing, we get
Other integrals vanish because of orthogonal property. Thus, (d) is correct option.
Ans. (c)
Given equation
Multiplying both sides by e–ikx and integrating with respect to 'x', we get
Using y = ez, (2) becomes
The auxiliary equation can be written as
The solution of (3) can therefore be written as
Reverting to original variable, we get
Thus, (c) is correct option.
49. In the following circuit the input voltage Vin in such that |Vin| < |Vsat| where Vsat is the saturation voltage of the op-amp (Assume that the diode is an ideal one and RLC is much larger than the duration of the measurement).
For the input voltage as shown in the figure above the output voltage Vout is best represented by
Ans. (a)
Sol. It's a peak detector circuit so options (a) is correct.
50. Potassium chloride forms an FCC lattice, in which K and Cl occupy alternating sites. The density of KCl is 1.98 g/cm3 and the atomic weights of K and Cl are 39.1 and 35.5, repsectively. The angles of incidence (in degrees) for which Bragg peaks will appear when X-ray of wavelength 0.4 nm is shone on a KCl crystal are
(a) 18.5, 39.4 and 72.2
(b) 19.5 and 41.9
(c) 12.5, 25.7, 40.5 and 6.0
(d) 13.5, 27.8, 44.5 and 69.0
Ans. (a)
Sol. Lattice Parameter is
a = 6.3 × 10–8 cm = 6.3 A°
Bragg's law is
For (200) plane
Thus option (a) is correct.
51. Lead is superconducting below 7K and has a critical magnetic field 800 × 10–4 tesla close to 0K. At 2K the critical current that flows through a long lead wire of radius 5 mm is closest to
(a) 1760 A
(b) 1670 Ac
(c) 1950 A
(d) 1840 A
Ans. (d)
Sol. Critical field at temperature T is
Given Bc(c) = 800 × 10–4 T, Tc = 7k
Critical current is
52. The Q-value of the -decay of 232Th to the ground state of 238Ra in 4082 keV. The maximum possible kinetic energy of the
-particles is closest to
(a) 4082 keV
(b) 4050 keV
(c) 4035 keV
(d) 4012 keV
Ans. (d)
53. In the reaction p + n p + K+ + X mediated by strong interaction, the baryon number B, strangeness S and the third component of isospin I3 of the particle X are, respectively
(a) –1, –1 and –1
(b) +1, –1 and –1
(d) –1, –1 and 0
Ans. (b)
Sol. p + n p + K+ + X
54. In an elastic scattering at an energy E, the phase shifts satisfy δ0 ≈ 30°, δ1 ≈ 10° while the other phase shifts are zero. The polar angle at which the differential cross section peaks is closest to
(a) 20°
(b) 10°
(c) 0°
(d) 30°
Ans. (c)
Sol. In the partial wave expansion, the differential scattering cross section is given by
where is the scattering angle. Taking Cross section fro l = 0 and l = 1, we have,
Since the differential cross section peaks is do not,
Simplifying above expression
Thus, the closest angle would be 30°.
55. The unnormalized wave function of a particle in one dimension in an infinite square well with walls at x = 0 and x = a, is = x(a – x). If
is expanded as a linear combination of the energy eigenfunctions,
dx is proportional to the infinite series
You may use dt = –a cos a + sin a and
dt = –2 – (a2 – 2) cos a + 2a sin a
Ans. (a)
Sol. We have
The normalization constant is determined at follows.
Thus, the normalised wave function is given by
Multiply the above equation by and integral to determine coefficient Cn,
Let change of variable y =
Employing integral
We get
Probability Pn is given by
One can see that Pn is proportional to n–6, this is assessable in option (1). Hence the correct series would by