After very high demand from our students, VedPrep is here with the updated syllabus of CUET PG Botany. This blog will cover the new syllabus of CUET PG Botany and will also cover some of the best books to buy for flawless preparation.

Syllabus: CUET PG Botany

The CUET PG Botany syllabus vanished from the NTA website which created havoc among the students leaving them concerned that NTA was changing the syllabus overnight. Thankfully, that was nothing but a server issue but just in case our students are still confused about the syllabus, we are here to discuss it once again. 

Unit 1: Microbiology and Phycology

  1. Introduction to the microbial world
  2.  Viruses (7 lectures): Discovery, physiochemical and biological characteristics; classification (Baltimore)General structure with special reference to viroids and prions, General account of replication, DNA virus (T-phage), lytic and lysogenic cycle; RNA virus (TMV). Viral diseases 
  3. Bacteria (8 lectures): Discovery, general characteristics, types-archaebacteria, eubacteria, wall-less forms(mycoplasma and spheroplasts), Cell structure, nutritional types, Reproduction-vegetative, asexual and recombination (conjugation, transformation and transduction), Bacterial diseases 
  4. Applied Microbiology (4 lectures): Economic importance of viruses with reference to vaccine production, role in research, medicine and diagnostics, and as causal organisms of plant diseases. Economic importance of bacteria with reference to their role in agriculture and industry (fermentation and medicine). 
  5. Algae (7 lectures): General characteristics; Ecology and distribution; range of thallus organization; Cell structure and components; cell wall, pigment system, reserve food (of only groups represented in the syllabus), flagella; Methods of reproduction, classification; Criteria, system of Fritsch, and evolutionary classification of Lee (only up to groups); significant contributions of important phycologists (F.E. Fritsch, G.M. Smith, R.N. Singh, T.V. Desikachary, H.D. Kumar, M.O.P.Iyengar). 
  6. Cyanophyta (6 lectures): Ecology and occurrence, range of thallus organization, cell structure, heterocyst, reproduction.economic importance; role in biotechnology. Morphology and life-cycle of Nostoc. 
  7. Chlorophyta (5 lectures): General characteristics, occurrence, range of thallus organization, cell structure and reproduction.Morphology and life-cycles of Chlamydomonas, Volvox, Oedogonium, Coleochaete.Evolutionary significance of Prochloron. 
  8. Charophyta (2 lectures): General characteristics; occurrence, morphology, cell structure and life-cycle of Chara; evolutionary significance. 
  9. Xanthophyta (3 lectures): General characteristics; range of thallus organization; Occurrence, morphology and lifecycle of Vaucheria. 
  10. Phaeophyta (6 lectures): Characteristics, occurrence, range of thallus organization, cell structure and reproduction.Morphology and life-cycles of Ectocarpus and Fucus. 
  11. Rhodophyta (6 lectures): General characteristics, occurrence, range of thallus organization, cell structure, and reproduction.Morphology and life-cycle of Polysiphonia. 
  12. Applied Phycology (4 lectures): Role of algae in the environment, agriculture, biotechnology, and industry.

Unit 2: Biomolecules and Cell Biology


  1. Biomolecules (18 lectures): Types and significance of chemical bonds; Structure and properties of water; pH and buffers. Carbohydrates: Nomenclature and classification; Role of monosaccharides (glucose, fructose, sugar alcohols – mannitol and sorbitol); Disaccharides (sucrose, maltose, lactose), Oligosaccharides and polysaccharides (structural-cellulose, hemicelluloses, pectin, chitin, mucilage; storage – starch, inulin). Lipids: Definition and major classes of storage and structural lipids. Storage lipids: Fatty acids structure and functions, Structural lipid: Phosphoglycerides; Building blocks, General structure, functions and properties. Lipid functions: cell signals, cofactors, prostaglandins, Introduction of lipid micelles, monolayers, bilayers. Proteins: Structure of amino acids; Peptide bonds; Levels of protein structure-primary, secondary, tertiary and quarternary; Isoelectric point; Protein denaturation and biological roles of proteins Nucleic acids: Structure of nitrogenous bases; Structure and function of nucleic acids. 
  2. Bioenergenetics (4 lectures): Laws of thermodynamics, the concept of free energy, endergonic and exergonic reactions, coupled reactions, redox reactions. ATP: structure, its role as an energy currency molecule. 
  3. Enzymes (6 lectures): Structure of enzyme: holoenzyme, apoenzyme, cofactors, coenzymes and prosthetic group; mechanism of action (activation energy, lock and key hypothesis induced – fit theory), enzyme inhibition and factors affecting enzyme activity (in brief).
  4. The cell (2 lectures): Cell as a unit of structure and function; Characteristics of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; Origin of the eukaryotic cell (Endosymbiotic theory).
  5. Cell wall and plasma membrane (4 lectures): Chemistry, structure and function of Plant Cell Wall. Overview of membrane function; fluid mosaic model; Chemical composition of membranes; Membrane transport – Passive, active and facilitated transport, endocytosis, and exocytosis. 
  6. Cell organelles (22 lectures): 

       Nucleus: Structurenuclear envelope, nuclear pore complex, nuclear lamina, molecular organization          of chromatin;nucleolus.

      Cytoskeleton: role and structure of microtubules, microfilaments and intermediary filament. 

      Chloroplast, mitochondria and peroxisomes: Structural organization; Function; Semiautonomous           nature of mitochondria and chloroplast. 

      Endomembrane system: Endoplasmic Reticulum – Structure and function of RER and SER, protein         folding, processing in ER, export of proteins and lipids; Golgi Apparatus – Organization, protein               glycosylation, protein sorting and export from Golgi Apparatus; Lysosomes 

7. Cell division (4 lectures): Eukaryotic cell cycle, mitosis and meiosis. Regulation of cell cycle.